Watching F1 in the US

Don't forget you will need to get a new iron in the US Brogan. Wouldn't want the family to miss out on their nicely pressed clothes ;-)

Anything rated 240/50 won't work so we have to ditch it all and buy new.

That includes my lovely 60" Pioneer plasma and 7.1 receiver :teary:
You can get converter units, if you're really committed to a specific electrical device. I had a couple devices I brought over with me that work just fine using a converter, including some things that use a lot of current, like hairdryers.
It may be possible to use a convertor with the plasma, but definitely not with the receiver.

It is specifically wound for 50hz and the power requirement would melt most off the shelf convertors.
The feed is via HDMI from a sky/cable box so it doesn't really matter.

I can't recall the last time we used a built in tuner to receive a TV signal.

Probably just get a new 4K TV when we get over there.
By the way, everyone seems to be assuming that you will continue to run CTA from the States. Or is that everyone is hoping ?
It doesn't really matter where I am based as far as maintaining the site is concerned.

The more pertinent question would be whether it's worth continuing the site at all, bearing in mind the historically low levels of activity.

I think it's safe to say it has about run its course.

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