Str8poll: Hamilton in 2008

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Q. Giving marks out of 10 , how would you rate Hamilton in 2008?

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2008 Season:

Have you been impressed by Lewis Hamilton so far this year.. or have you been disappointed in his performances ?
Whats been his high point ... whats been the low point ?

Q. How would you rate Hamilton's performances in 2008?
Re: Str8poll: Hamilton in 2008

this is tricky. cos do you want my opinion of LH as a second year F! driver or as a guy who came second in the WDC?

cos if you want an answer to the first option then he does pretty good. and if you want an answer to the second option then he's doing lousy. and thats the biggg problem with Lewis Hamilton. actually, comparing him to what he did last year isn't fair in my opinion cos it looks like one of the biggest flukes in f1 history (after jacques villeneuve that is) but on the other hand you cannot ignore it.

so i'll give LH a 6. save bet. 7 as a second year driver and 5 as the vice WDC,
Re: Str8poll: Hamilton in 2008

I've given him a 5 , great performance in Turkey , and Monaco (even though he hit the barrier) , poor in some other races and twice he's drove into the back of other drivers.

Re: Str8poll: Hamilton in 2008

I gave him 6.

He has made big mistakes in Bahrain & Canada.
But in races like Australia, Monaco & Turkey he has drive well. So it is ok performance. Not good nor bad.
I'm going to have to think about this :confused:

Based on current results, he would appear to be doing better than his team-mate and was leading the WDC.

However, he has made some dreadful mistakes, notably climbing onto Alonso's rear wing and sticking his nose up Kimi's exhaust.
5 from me str8... The guy has talent.. we saw that last season, and I suspect most, if not all of us, assumed that with ayears experience behind him, he would be as strong, if not more so, this year. We didn't bank on his apparent poor reaction to pressure, and the expectation onhim to get the WDC this year. AND the difference this season is that BMW are in a strong position to pick up the droppings from the table by MM and Ferrari.
I know KR and Massa have dropped the ball a few times, and so LH SHOULD have been in a stronger position!! So, for me... could do better, and should have !!! .... therefore 5 !!!
I've actually given him 8. He has very high expectations and I think in general (and especially compared to his co-driver who 15 months ago I would have said was comparable, but not now) he's doing pretty well.
He's obviously been marred by a few incidents which look like goofs. The Montreal incident was, but the incident with the nose wing falling off and him crashing into the back of Kimi is not so obviously his fault.
I'm being lenient giving him 8 but I really do believe he is the favourite to win this year.
Rufus, I see where you were coming from, but I was scoring on what has happened/results gained, and NOT on potential, which I agree merits a higher score.. I was openly a LH fan last year, but really feel he has his work cut out this year.. Two strong Ferrari drivers, and 2 BMW's, to contend with.. I don't think he has to worry about his team mate!!!
He's not looking as polished as last year but guessing this may be because his teammate is so lacklustre so nothing to aim for.

I've given him an 8 mainly for grabbing second in Turkey and wining in Monaco
On balance I went for 7.

I think the main issue with the perception of his performance this year is that he did so well last year.
Considering it's still only his 2nd year I think he's not doing too badly overall.

If he can cope with the frustration and hot-headedness he seems to suffer when not in 1st place on the track then he will improve his chances considerably.

The pit lane incident on Sunday I feel was due to the red mist coming down after seeing RK and KR go past him in the pits and he was too busy trying to catch them up to notice that the red light was on and they had stopped.
Hi Str8,
hows it going? Hamilton will come good this season, with out a doubt. He's made a few too many mistakes this season but is still right up there, if he can get his concentration back we should have good Championship, otherwise KR will steam ahead. A 6 from me
after reading this, i would like to change my mark for LH this year to a 4. i am just lost for words after these comments:

Although that means Hamilton will start from at least 11th place in France, he is still confident he can finish on top. "I feel quite confident that we can still win there. That's my job," Hamilton was quoted as saying by Reuters.

and it gets worse, only the truly strong hearted are advised to read the following, all those with a weaker heart. do not go on reading!

Hamilton also dismissed suggestions that the Montreal incident was a career low.

"It was nowhere near one of my lowest points. I don't even particularly feel it was a low point. It was one of those things you just have to come to terms with and move on. In the race I was on top of my game," he said.

The Briton lost the championship lead to BMW Sauber's Robert Kubica in Canada and is now four points behind the Pole.

He added: "I believe it is going to be very difficult to win but I don't plan on it going to the last race. We will push as hard as we can to do the job, it doesn't matter if it is early or the last race. So long as we get it done."

this is bad. really bad.
I've given him a straight 10.

1:Because he's in only his second season, yet he is in with a shout. A remarkable achievement. (Kubica too)
2:Because he's got balls. He's not doing any "expectation management" - he's saying "we can do it".
3:Because he's not been put off by irrelevant pit-lane cockups. These things happen.
bogaTYR said:
after reading this, i would like to change my mark for LH this year to a 4. i am just lost for words after these comments:
I thought the vote was to rate him on his performance on the track, not on what he says to the media?

I personally try to avoid all the usual rubbish that is printed about the drivers, or what they've said or done.
Particularly from Hamilton as some of the stuff he says is just silly and I can see how it would annoy some people.

I prefer to just concentrate on the driving every other week :)
Ooh err our first potential arguement over here.

I'll cast my vote into the pit lol

I think Lewis has shown flashes of brilliance this year and I've been pleasantly surprised ...but on the other hand he has had flashes of stupidity as well. So for me, it has to be 5 meantime .. that score could go either way as the season progresses, right now that annoying credit card advert "the clever dumb balance is restored" just about sums up Hamiltons performance for me.

As MaverickWonder said prior to the Canadian race, the race was Hamiltons to lose ... it seems to me he has to learn to handle pressure better. When he is not leading, his agression to get back to the front has on several occassions caused him to make silly mistakes. And before you all jump down my throat, yes I knew he is young and not very experienced in formula one and its great that he has the drive and ambition to be first but he also has to remember that to finish first, first you have to finish ... obviously the lessons learned at the tail end of last year have been forgotten.

I also agree with Boga about the comments he makes, to me its fine to be confident but those kind of remarks will alienate some fans imho.
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