Some new regulations for 2010

The boy Button has waded into the debate and, from my perspective, made a complete tit of himself ... 28092.stm/

Given that Honda spent hundreds of millions of pounds/dollars/yen creating the car Jenson is now pummeling the field with I'm astonished he chose to speak before engaging brain. Does he think Ross Brawn coudl have created this car with a $40 million budget? No, of course he coudln't. :mad:

I suppose he's paid to drive not think, I bet he's chuffed to bits the budget cap doesn't include the drivers salary!
The budget cap does fit rather well with the direction that Brawn's funding is heading though. They've already made those significant redundancies and I suspect they will be one of the teams to accept the budget cap - so expect more redundancies at Brawn I guess.
My great desire to one day work in F1 is starting to unravel even more with the budget caps!
My brother was talking with an ex-McLaren employee this morning who is still in regular contact with people who still work at McLaren.
He said McLaren and Ferrari will never be able to work to a budget cap as their organisations aren't set up for it.

They'd have to get rid of say 50% of the workforce but then all the departments/sites, etc. wouldn't be able to function on such a low level of staff.
It would take them years to gradually downsize but of course that's not an option as they'd be competing as a "non budget cap" team during that process and would be seriously disadvantaged.
So for new/smaller teams it's fine but for the big 2 there is no way they could do it.

The other issue is advertisement.
Apparently Brawn have offered the whole car to Virgin for £30m as far as sponsorship is concerned.
This turns the F1 corporate sponsorship system on its head as there's no way the likes of Ferrari and McLaren can continue to charge £5m for the left corner of the front wing.
Brogan said:
The other issue is advertisement.
Apparently Brawn have offered the whole car to Virgin for £30m as far as sponsorship is concerned.
This turns the F1 corporate sponsorship system on its head as there's no way the likes of Ferrari and McLaren can continue to charge £5m for the left corner of the front wing.

That's a very good point, Brogan. This was the problem when the whole customer cars issue raised its head.

Clearly, one way or another everyone will ultimately be forced into the budget cap. I would far sooner have seen them set a much higher cap initially (e.g. £100m) but made it compulsory. They could then have reduced it incrementally for subsequent seasons.

I can't help but feel the arrangements as published are primarily driven by political motives - to drive a wedge through FOTA - and only secondarily with the future health of the series in mind.
teabagyokel said:
I'm so sorry Speshal, you can't put £10 on it, we've instituted a Clip the Apex Online Betting Cap of £5 per week. The Costs Commission made up of Chairman Brogan and Commissioners Cider_and_Toast and Jenov2003 are going to investigate this mishap and make the punishment that they feel necessary. Unless of course you opt out and go to bet365 or something similar.


That's Clip the Apex law, I'm sorry!


I think you'll find that I actually only spent £5

£2.67 was spent on hospitality for Mr E.N. Gine who was taken to a health spa and had a complete rebuild to improve "perfomance"

£1.23 was spent on Miss Su S. Pension to put some more "bounce" in her step

and the final £1.10 was donated to the young driver programme for a Mr C.F. Dynamics
Very good speshal!

So who's for betting that the big spending teams are plotting a breakaway 'premier' F1-type series as we speak? The peak of technological ability, instead of a capped lesser series?
So long as you don't bet more than a fiver...

Brogan said:
The other issue is advertisement.
Apparently Brawn have offered the whole car to Virgin for £30m as far as sponsorship is concerned.
This turns the F1 corporate sponsorship system on its head as there's no way the likes of Ferrari and McLaren can continue to charge £5m for the left corner of the front wing.

Surely money coming in to the teams and being creamed off as profit by the top brass or sent to the road car divisions can't be capped! Ferrari & McLaren will surely charge the Earth to prospective sponsors. Of course, the whole thing will aid teams without significant (external) sponsor input ie. Red Bull[sup]1[/sup]. Also sponsorship is not as much of an issue if you only[sup]2[/sup] have to raise £40m.

[sup]1[/sup]they're owned not sponsored by the drinks company
[sup]2[/sup]When I say only, its not a big sum for an F1 team, I'm not saying its easy!

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