Should F1 teams have 2 pit boxes?


Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
Given the way new tyres are working in F1 I was wondering if it was time for the teams to have two pit boxes so one driver gaining and advantage from the "undercut" disappears. The questions I suppose this raises is; are there enough team members to run two pit crews at a tyre stop and is there sufficient room in the pit lane for all the team to have two pit boxes?

Would increase the team element of the sport if each driver had their own dedicated pit crew though and give a bit of inter team competition.
NO because it increases the danger to mechanics with more cars being serviced in the pitlane some circuits have very small pits

Would it increase the team element of each sport - I think this only happens in Sportscars because of the endurance element involved as well as refuelling
Interesting question, but I'd say no. As mentioned above it would be pretty dangerous having so many cars in the pit lane at once and some tracks wouldn't have the space.

It might be more interesting watching two drivers of the same team battle it out in the pits, but it would be dividing the team even further rather increasing the team element.
A good reason for Monaco either to build a decent pit lane or admit the circuit is a anachronism in the 21st century and shouldn't be hosting F1 events.

Yes, OK, but it isn't an exclusively Monaco problem, is it? I think, 12 pit boxes works fine for everyone, to be honest!
I understand the potential risk for extra work in the pit lane, I was just wondering how to resolve the "undercut' issue affecting team mates.
At the end of the day if a team wants to give preferential treatment to one driver by giving them the undercut they just won't tell the driver in front when the guy behind is going to pit. F1 has never been completely fair within a team and it never will be.
I understand the potential risk for extra work in the pit lane, I was just wondering how to resolve the "undercut' issue affecting team mates.

Its difficult simply because Driver A knows Driver B's strategies and vice-versa. Anyway, the "undercut" does not work every time, its only driving faster that does...
It would make for enormously long pit lanes which would take longer to traverse. The first of the leaders to pit would come out way down the field, which might or might not be a bad thing dependant on whether or not your driver is good at conserving tyres.
Would you not need to double the length of the pit lane to accommodate it assuming we have the same number of runners and riders? If we keep the same number of cars most venues wouldn't have the room would they?
Jenson thinks that they already do!!

I think that the current situation adds a bit to the overall dynamic of the racing, the restrictions that it places on the teams, and the subsequent strategy choices make things a little more interesting.

Although... What about using the teams partners to perform pit stops? McLaren and Virgin/Force India, Red Bull and Torro Rosso/Lotus
Jenson thinks that they already do!!

I think that the current situation adds a bit to the overall dynamic of the racing, the restrictions that it places on the teams, and the subsequent strategy choices make things a little more interesting.

Although... What about using the teams partners to perform pit stops? McLaren and Virgin/Force India, Red Bull and Torro Rosso/Lotus

Not every team has a partner.
Not every team has a partner.

It was just a thought, but

Red Bull/Torro Rosso/Team Lotus
McLaren/Force India/Virgin

Which leaves Mercedes and Renault.

Mercedes supply engines to McLaren and Force India, so I'm sure that counts
Renault have links through the engines to Red Bull, Team Lotus and now williams, although being privately owned may impact, although I am sure someone would chip in to help for a few quid.
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