RIP Justin Wilson

Rest in Peace Justin, my sympathy to all his family and friends.
And my thoughts to Sage Karam who will no doubt feel responsible although blame cannot be attached in this freak accident.
I'm so sorry for all of Justin's family and friends. I really hope something good can be salvaged from this sad situation - maybe Indy will reexamine the concerns raised about the new aero (though I'm not sure how much it had to do with this crash), and hopefully Pirelli will take note that debris kills at high speed, and do something about their exploding biscuits. I don't think the open wheel racing family can take another sucker punch like this. :(
I said on the Indy thread that there are no words in this situation. At times of tragedy you always hear the 'he was the best of us' stuff but in Justin Wilson's case he really was one of the nicest men on the planet.

Thoughts are with his parents, wife and two young daughters.
I don't normally comment on these "RIP" threads, as I find it a little trite to express public condolences for someone I've never met - however, Justin Wilson was a driver I always cheered for, from his F3000 days, his all-too-brief time in F1, through ChampCar and Indy (whenever I got a chance to see it). I remember his epic battles with Bourdais in ChampCar, and with Webber in F3000 with particular. A very sad loss to Motorsport. Farewell Justin...
Another very unlucky accident. Head injuries to Senna, Henry Surtees, Massa, Jules and now Justin could all have been just near misses but for a few inches or a split second either way. RIP Justin. By all accounts a gentleman.
RIP Badass ... heartfelt condolences to your wife, two little girls, brother, parents and friends ...

I watched the race live ....sad Sunday ...
Just got back home after holiday today so I have just heard about this. Was a fan of his when he won the F3000 campionship, we were there at Spa when he did it. Probably due to his height he never really had a chance in F1 but he made a name for himself when he migrated to the US although not hitting the heights..

The end of his Wikipedia entry includes:

"The day after Wilson's death, his younger brother Stefan indicated that Wilson saved six lives by donating his organs"
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