Technical Red Bull's Front Wing (Revisited)

That is not right. Not at all, why the FIA aren't introducing some sort of sensor test for use whilst the car is in motion I don't know. I'm all for innovation but this is a clear breach and a second gap at the front is very bad for F1.

Just because it passes the inadequate test doesn't mean it's legal.

That is shocking seeing it in that picture. Red Bull take the piss. FIA should be pressuring them to do something about it, even without an official punishment.
The truth is, if the others knew how Red Bull were doing it, surely they would all be doing it too!
Yes! And I wish they would! McLaren spent far too long complaining about it last year - meanwhile Ferrari did a good job at replicating it and took over 2nd quickest in the second half of the year.

It's still frustrating that it is blatant for all to see yet it can't be proven.

But if the FIA are going to have strict rules on design elements then they should also have adequate testing regimes to enforce those rules.

It's like saying drivers can't cross the white line yet do nothing about it when they do.
Oh wait...
Wrong thread.
That picture really speaks volumes.

But this obviously shouldn't be news to anyone who paid attention last year. Flexing front wings are legal as long as they don't flex too much during the FIA's rigorous testing procedures. What's that? The tests aren't indicative of the loads seen on the circuit? How odd. :thinking:

Really though, the only thing that frustrates me about these wings now is that McLaren can't sort out how to recreate this phenomenon. :clip:
The McLaren front wing is flexing, not much but it is definitely flexing.

They were testing their front wing flex during both Barcelona winter tests as evidenced by a rather bulbous nose and cables attached to the front wing endplates.
Given the teams run ride height detectors during testing it makes you wonder why the FIA can't or won't make the teams use them on the cars during races.
Do the "ride height" regulations apply to the front wings?

By the way, FB, I want to congratulate you for the daring hairstyle in your latest portrait.
Lewis at long last speaks out about the Red Bull front wing!

Autosport writes:

Lewis Hamilton said:

"I don't know if you've seen their front wing but it's like trailing on the ground. That is massive downforce. Ours is much higher off the ground. That alone is like 20 points of downforce, like half a second, so as soon as we close that loophole or find out how to do that we will close that performance gap."
I have to admit I'm not seeing the significance of a 2009 RBR in the pit-lane.

No doubt I'm missing the humour here.
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