Nicolas Hamilton - What an inspiration

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It was announced a couple months ago that Nick, Lewis' little brother was following him into motor racing. He starts this weekend and it has to be said, he is one of the most inspiring people i've ever heard of. I know that there are others out there who have overcome their disabilities, but somebody who already has his profile and attraction could inspire thousands of people around the world. Here's hoping he gets off to a great start.
My wife, in her job as a day care support worker, has worked quite a bit over the years with people suffering from cerebral palsy, as well as Down's Syndrome, dyspraxia etc. She was quite surprised to learn that anyone so afflicted could enter a motor race, so hats off to the guy.

I thought he did remarkably well in the second Clio Cup race on Sunday. He made a nice move up the inside through Paddock Hill Bend / Hailwood Hill at the start of the race when several others ran wide or right off, only to be unceremoniously shoved off later by his own teammate. Was someone trying to make sure they weren't beaten by a 'disabled' novice partner, I wonder? If so, it didn't work.

Well done Nic!
"Was someone trying to make sure they weren't beaten by a 'disabled' novice partner, I wonder?"

I seriosuly doubt this, he did drive very well and his lap times were more than respectable, especially for one so inexperienced, but we're getting into realms of conspiracy here that make the mayan calander thing look pretty rational!
Was it a one off or is he doing the whole series?

I must say, I was shocked when I heard as I didn't think anyone with his level of disability would be able to race.
Just goes to prove the old adage, never assume...
I'm quietly impressed with his debut. Spending time with Lewis throughout his career, he's obviously learned how to deal with the media and the interview after the second race showed that for me. He was relaxed and articulate. It's a great boost for anyone with a disablement and that can only ever be good. I wish him luck and i've already become a fan and look forward to watching him develop throughout the year.......
I was
Was it a one off or is he doing the whole series?

I must say, I was shocked when I heard as I didn't think anyone with his level of disability would be able to race.
Just goes to prove the old adage, never assume...

I wasn't so surprised as I know someone who is paralysed on his left side who drives a road car just fine. I know it's different but the adaptations that can be made are brilliant.

I think Nic looked fairly comfortable and it is remarkable that his lap times were as good as they were given his experience. His disability seemed to be of lesser significance than the period he'd been racing.
Hi Stevi, and welcome to the forum!

Thank you mate. Good to see your here, hope you stick around awhile. :thumbsup:

Hi mate, good to hear from you.. Defenately staying here. Proper site and much better than the rest I've been on. 606 is fine for a laugh and some threads. This is way different... Much classier Chad.
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