Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

At Bahrain I think Nico was only interested in making sure he beat his teammate in quali to prove he was faster but that messed his race

Why in qualifying? It was the race where he was told to stay behind Hamilton, surely he would want to beat him in the race.

Glory hunting and recognition . Knowing full well Lewis was down the grid with the penalty... he wanted to prove a point especially as Lewis got pole the race before

it is not the first time a teammate has foresaken race strategy just to get to concentrate on beating their teammate in quali

I get the impression that was the case
At Malaysia ...Ross Brawn said both cars 'were on a knife edge' fuel problems...so had he allowed them to race...they may not have made it ..to the chequered flag.
Team order from Ross ' Hold position' ... Nico made sure that everyone knew...that he thought he should race Lewis, because he was faster. But NR obeyed...& said he was owed one....
If LH had just let NR pass....doesn't look good...especially to those who have put their money on a LH win/podium finish.
Last year is irrelevant. I have far more esteem for Hamilton than to suggest he's quite as emotionally vulnerable as you imply.[/quote]
That is your prerogative...your view. I do not think it shows that LH is 'emotionally vunerable' just human & wanting to show the F1 world that last year's pole was not because he was light on fuel....but because he won it honestly & DESERVED IT.

Nelson Piquet in his last F1 race could not outqualify Schumacher up until that point and he just thought forget the race I'm gonna that I can beat him over 1 lap and he thought he did until the engineers told him Schumacher missed a gear on his quickest lap

I can see Webber doing that sort of thing to Vettel and Rosberg is fighting for his F1 future so he needs to grab the headlines to make sure all the attention is not all on Lewis and this weekend he's succeeded
wanting to show the F1 world that last year's pole was not because he was light on fuel....but because he won it honestly & DESERVED IT.

I highly doubt that even crossed his mind, getting the highest grid position in qualifying is standard for a driver, as it would help them on in the race,

To say that he wanted Pole position for this race just to show the F1 world that he won it honestly and deserved last year is a little far fetched...well not a 'little'.
It has been mentioned on Sky several times over the last three days...that LH qualified on pole here last year..but was put down to last on the grid because he was light on fuel. Never once was it mentioned that he was still faster than the rest of the field..if he had been carrying the right amount of fuel to give a sample. To be ignominously shoved to the back..through no fault of his ....was bad enough, but for it to be raked up on TV again this year...but only half the story told was :censored: annoying..So yes I was agitated...but I'm calm now I have aired my view...
A lot of anger on here. Blimey.

Whilst I think set up was probably an issue I would say that Rosberg probably did better today because he's had two years longer to learn how to drive the tyre eating Mercedes.

You can jump up and down about how racing should be about racing not tyre preservation all you like but that Merc has always shred tyres whatever its had on so not sure why a race like this is such a surprise. Everyone had tyre deg yes but the Merc would have had it far worse than anyone else whatever tyres they were on and thats the issue they need to sort and what people should be concentrating on rather than slating F1 as a whole.
I see you point, but I do not agree...for the simple reason that it is so false.....
I know F1 has always been false to some degree...but these :censored:tyres are a travesty...
To have one of the top racers say on team radio ...for the world to hear..."I cannot go any slower"...this is the pinnacle of RACING for:censored: sake...not the ultimate tyre saving exhibition....
RACING is what we want...& we should accept no less..


F1ang-o....how can your stomach not turn when the 2nd place finisher, who was 9 seconds behind the winner, when asked about a possible win says:

" maybe halfway through, when we were leading, but we were on old tires and he had new ones."

" I knew if I could stay a bit closer, maybe I had some chance, even if I am already behind them with old tires."

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