Head To Head Nico Rosberg vs Lewis Hamilton

I think the steering wheel movement is to (half heartedly) change his line rather than a reaction to correct oversteer, based on how the speed and duration of the jink looks and how it matches with Hamilton's position. However, on the whole I'm agreeing with you here, just going by steering wheel movement by itself is not enough to apportion blame. The more compelling argument is just that he left his nose in where it didn't belong, a viewpoint that every pundit and even Mercedes team bosses seem to agree with.
What would Hamilton gain by lying? (Not that he doesn't have a history of it).

He'd be hung out to dry by Mercedes, which he wasn't. They initially confirmed the veracity of Hamilton's statement before questioning the minutiae.

Indeed, Mercedes suggest that Rosberg would be subject to disciplinary action based on the content of the infamous meeting.

This suggests, thus, that we need not look at steering wheels and GPS and telemetry, because Rosberg has effectively pleaded guilty.
What would Hamilton gain by lying?
I don't think anyone has said that Lewis is lying but there are things said in the heat of the moment that may not be true or even meant, judging by the mood of Toto before the meeting it was obvious that Nico was in for a massive bollocking and when people are being shouted at they tend to go on the offensive and say stuff that is untrue or exaggerated in some way I'm not saying Nico didn't say what he said I'm just trying understand why he said what he said why would he incriminate himself like that, you do know that confessions brought about by stress are extremely unreliable and I wouldn't like be his judge jury and executioner based on what was said in that meeting under those circumstances.


Have you ever seen the film, 12 Angry Men.? ;)
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If only the human condition was as simple as that teabagyokel if only, ah well were stuck with it I guess, I suppose we shall just have to live with being complicated beasts..

Didn't Sherlock Holmes say something just the opposite to Occam's Razor?
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the revelation that Rosberg was willing to sacrifice victory for his team in order to advance his personal agenda has done irreparable damage to both his reputation and perhaps more important to him, Hamilton's championship aspirations.

No matter how the season turns out, Nico will never have the respect that his father now surely enjoys.
The really interesting thing about all this is:
If you really wanted to unhinge, undermine and destabilise a driver like Lewis, the tactics you would employ are exactly those that Nico has appeared to employ throughout this season, wittingly, knowingly or not.

Nico is either incredibly devious, has an exceptionally devious sub-conscious or an unscrupulously devious guardian angel.
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It seems to me that al lot is written about how fragile Lewis is but I think it's almost the opposite. Nico was given the perfect start in Aus and then Lewis hits him with 4 wins in a row....so Nico has his Monaco moment.....despite the mech gremlins Nico can't get a big lead and when he demonstrably cannot pass Lewis on the track he can't take the team saying that Lewis was correct....and so "to prove a point" he goes against the team directive not to hit each other by deliberately not taking avoiding action. Now I am not saying it's premeditated but it does display a reall weakness on Nico's part and one wonders how well he would be bearing up if all the gremlins had been hitting his car and not Lewis's....
So, if the latest news is to be believed Nico didn't say he deliberately ran in to Lewis rather that he was making a point about not backing down or being intimidated after events earlier in the season. I have to say that I think Lewis should have kept his mouth shut post the "clear the air meeting" as the situation now looks to have got worse. Nico isn't popular with the senior management because of what happened in the race, I'm pretty sure Lewis is now going to be equally unpopular for talking about a private meeting to the World's press.

I can't help but think this is all leading up to Lewis back at McLaren in 2015.
The answer to the problem lies in identifying the root cause. And despite the fact that next to nobody is going to agree with me, let alone the Mercedes hierarchy being able to admit it to themselves, I'm going to tell you what it is:

Their lustful pursuit of fairness!

Their drivers are locked in a battle neither can win by fair means or without the intervention of luck or misfortune. Because their strategies are concocted by a single brain, their lap times formulated by shared data and real-time telemetry, they are driving like clones, there is nothing to differentiate them. Until they separate their data, their race engineers and intended strategies they are locked in twisted, internicine conflict.
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So the only differentiation is the driver.

Whatever has gone before, in terms of technical ability and innovation, counts for diddly-squat until the team gives it to a driver.

That is the difference and will always be. So 2 drivers compete to make the most of all that hard work and make the most of ridiculous rules that, effectively, tie their hands. Although, not in this case, it would seem!

Racing is the end result - embrace that, with all its human flaws and the drivers' desire to prove their team the best, whilst augmenting their own standing.

Try to stay within the rules, which they did in this instance (no steward's enquiry), but always compete for yourself.

Anyone got a problem with that? If so maybe you shouldn't be watching F1.
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