Well what was it
Incubus ?
I was being ironic about the definition of "Incident"
Titch .
I always thought the very notion of a "racing incident" to be a ridiculous way of officiating. They all are aren't they? Even when one driver in a collision is most at fault it's still an incident isn't it?
But in the case of this thread and with issues of intent/non-intent a word which has a very broad definition has come to mean absolutely nothing.
My own take on the Spa incident (see what I did there, uh-uh?) for what it's worth is that what I saw was a spontaneous act of petulance by a driver who feels the pressure and is letting one or two grudges (regardless of whether they are justified or not) unsettle his approach, and who later made a fool of himself trying to justify it.
He didn't plan for his race with the idea of taking Hamilton out, he wanted to prove a point and after said grudges was especially determined to beat him.
His adrenaline went off the roof at his failure to overtake and it got the better of him. It might even be that he was actually trying to bang wheels with Hamilton. Which is actually a lot more common than drivers tend to admit. Intimidation and that...
Either this is not something you can plan inb advance. He didn't know he would find himself in that exact position on the track relative to Hamilton. But he did aim a wheel at him. There can't be too much serious debate on that one.
That doesn't make him a cheat. That makes him the victim of what they prosaically call "a brain fade".