He has utterly no idea what Rosberg was trying to accomplish. How would he?
You seem to?
it's obvious Mercedes won't be budged on this one.
Like somebody else I know

He has utterly no idea what Rosberg was trying to accomplish. How would he?
it's obvious Mercedes won't be budged on this one.
Someone who was more than likely admonished for stating the truth before Mercedes' PR machine kicked into action.Who from Mercedes said that Lewis' view was 'broadly accurate'?
You're jumping to a lot of conclusions.Someone who was more than likely admonished for stating the truth before Mercedes' PR machine kicked into action.
Ooh I missed this bit:
"He basically said, 'I did it to prove a point'."
So Rosberg didn't say 'I did it to prove a point' that was Hamilton's interpretation.
Broadly accurate could have been Rosberg saying he could have backed out but thought Lewis should have done the backing out. Why is that not feasible!??
Mercedes have clearly told him to back down and apologise and to Lewis to not pretend he's squeaky clean just to end it.
In no way does this categorically show Rosberg did it to purposely end Hamilton's race.
viable alternatives to the popular opinion that Rosberg is cheating, lying scum.