We've had a little reshuffle of the moderating staff and procedures.
This is in response to all of the problems and issues we've seen lately, specifically related to certain threads.
It also follows on from FB's post here: http://cliptheapex.com/threads/lewis-hamilton.3031/page-110#post-126879
The moderators will now be strictly enforcing the site rules and guidelines in an attempt to reduce the amount of arguing, bickering and general unpleasantness which has been increasing of late.
So if you do get pulled up, it will (in most cases) be warranted and they're just doing their job.
If you want to complain about how oppressive the rules are then that would be me or FB you need to speak to.
Each section now has a single moderator - they are clearly listed below the section name.
For the Formula One and Formula Fun sections it's teabagyokel, Speshal is covering Circuit and MCLS is in charge of Paddock.
Please help the moderators in their roles by reporting any posts you feel contravene the site rules and guidelines.
Please do not post on the thread as this is also against the rules and can result in yet more problems as it usually elicits more responses causing the thread to descend into argument.
If you wish to contact a moderator with regards to an issue in a particular section, please ensure you contact the correct one.
If it's a general site issue, FB is the person to speak to as he is both global moderator and administrator.
Unfortunately KekeTheKing and cider_and_toast have apparently got real lives and families so are no longer able to moderate due to a lack of free time.
I'll always be grateful to c_a_t as he was the first moderator and the only one to step up to the plate when I advertised for the role way back in the beginning. And of course it goes without saying that Keke's input is invaluable when it comes to the overtaking data.
Many thanks for everything guys and hopefully you'll both continue to stick around.
This is in response to all of the problems and issues we've seen lately, specifically related to certain threads.
It also follows on from FB's post here: http://cliptheapex.com/threads/lewis-hamilton.3031/page-110#post-126879
The moderators will now be strictly enforcing the site rules and guidelines in an attempt to reduce the amount of arguing, bickering and general unpleasantness which has been increasing of late.
So if you do get pulled up, it will (in most cases) be warranted and they're just doing their job.
If you want to complain about how oppressive the rules are then that would be me or FB you need to speak to.
Each section now has a single moderator - they are clearly listed below the section name.
For the Formula One and Formula Fun sections it's teabagyokel, Speshal is covering Circuit and MCLS is in charge of Paddock.
Please help the moderators in their roles by reporting any posts you feel contravene the site rules and guidelines.
Please do not post on the thread as this is also against the rules and can result in yet more problems as it usually elicits more responses causing the thread to descend into argument.
If you wish to contact a moderator with regards to an issue in a particular section, please ensure you contact the correct one.
If it's a general site issue, FB is the person to speak to as he is both global moderator and administrator.
Unfortunately KekeTheKing and cider_and_toast have apparently got real lives and families so are no longer able to moderate due to a lack of free time.
I'll always be grateful to c_a_t as he was the first moderator and the only one to step up to the plate when I advertised for the role way back in the beginning. And of course it goes without saying that Keke's input is invaluable when it comes to the overtaking data.
Many thanks for everything guys and hopefully you'll both continue to stick around.