I was thinking the same thing:
Charlie: Ross, that looks very much like a JATO tube to me.
Ross: Charlie, my dear friend, I can easily see how you could think that, but actually its clearly part of the DRS.
Charlie: Ross, it actually says JATO on it, right next to that RAF roundel!
Ross: Again, Charlie, I can easily see how you could be mistaken. However, JATO stands for ... er ... Just Another Tubelike Object. The blue, white and red circles, which I agree are similar to the RAF roundel, are actually ... er ... aerodynamic testing markings. Phew!
Charlie: ...
Ross: ...
Charlie: You said that "Phew" out loud.
Ross: No I didn't.
Charlie: ...
Ross: ...
Charlie: Take. It. Off.
Ross: Absolutely, but first I want to talk to you about Red Bull's exhaust ...
That's drop-dead brilliant - even in print it sounds like them !!