Landmarks & the Win record


Valued Member
Ferrari have of course been first to all but one of the "landmarks" in terms of wins. A landmark win is here defined as a multiple of 25.


Lotus were first to 50 at the 1973 Spanish GP.

There are only 4 teams ever to hold the win record:

Alfa Romeo (1-10) (May 1950-Sept 1952)
Ferrari (10-49) (Sept 1952-Feb 1973)
Lotus (49-57) (Feb 1973-Sept 1975)
Ferrari (57-103) (Sept 1975-Oct 1993)
Lotus (71) (Aug 1978-Oct 1978)
McLaren (103-104) (Oct 1993-Jul 1994)
Ferrari (104-215) (Jul 1994-present)
If I had the skills (or in fact, could be arsed) I'd create the same for each team since first entry. The McLaren, Williams and Lotus (:snigger:) performances would be interesting to see.
I wonder how that table would look if you reset things after McLaren joined?

If I had the skills (or in fact, could be arsed) I'd create the same for each team since first entry. The McLaren, Williams and Lotus :)snigger:) performances would be interesting to see.

Fear not, I have just such a graph as you wanted gethin.


  • Ferrari's 700th Grand Prix was the 2004 Belgian GP, and they were on 179. McLaren have 16 races to go, and require 10 wins, so it is going to take a massive turnaround (not impossible though) to see that happening!
  • Red Bull won 12 in their first 100 races, so they are 1 win behind McLaren at that stage.
  • Williams have 23 races to go to 600 and are not going to maintain their lead over Ferrari at that stage.
  • Williams had won only once in their first 50!
  • Mercedes are currently 9 in 33 all from their first 12!
  • Alfa's 10 wins came in their first 13 races.
  • Minardi have the record for most races without a win, with 340.
  • The only team to win after not winning their first 100 races is Jordan.
I think it is important to note that only Ferrari have built their own engines and transmissions as well as chassis.This is both an advantage and disadvantage. It adds hellishly to cost, and, if you get it wrong, as Maranello did in 1966 thru 1969, you will be getting thrashed regularly. However, if you get it right, it can give you a lead in power, reliability or both.
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