Kimi Räikkönen

Probably one of the coolest drivers ever to grace F1 alongside James Hunt.

His part life-style may not have been to some teams liking in F1 but you can't deny that Kimi was probably one of the best drivers on the grid from 2003-09. He should have won more championships than he did!

Kimi won his one and only F1 Championship in 2007. Kimi won 18 races, 16 pole positions, scored 62 podiums and claimed 35 fastest laps in his time in F1.

Kimi is probably the must unluckiest driver to ever grace F1 and the amount of retirements he had no fault of his own were lots.

Kimi won his first GP in 2003 winning the Malaysian GP and he claimed his last victory in F1 at the 2009 Belguim GP.

Kimi started his F1 career in 2001 driving for Sauber, he then went on to drive for Mclaren and Ferrari before quitting the sport in 2009.

Kimi produced probably the 2 most funniest moments to happen in F1 over the last 10 years, when he said :censored: at the Brazilian GP in 2006 when Schumi first retired from F1 and the other one at the Malaysian GP where the race was red flagged and he went to the garage and got into shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops and started eating ice-cream.

Whether you liked him or not you can't deny his talent, he produced one of the comebacks of the past 10 season by starting near the back of the Japan GP in 2005 and went on to win it! Probably one of his best race wins in F1.

Did you like Kimi or Not?
That's a coincidence so did I. Unfortunately, i didn't have a medic or in house trauma clinic so I had to self diagnose. Thankfully it was simply an allergy that had only manifested itself a few times before and was relatively easy to suss out and deal with. Good job I grew up watching Dr Finlay's Casebook, Quincy (Queasy to his friends) and lately a daily fix of CSI. So, applying all I had learned from those reputable sources, I forensically examined all the evidence, looking for the common factor. I concluded that I am allergic to the Bahrain GP and correct;y applied a counter-agent, large doses of coffee throughout the event. Close call but I got through the whole traumatic experience with nothing worse than a need to pee more often than usual.:D
Hi all. Not been around for a while but popped back to see if there was any bustle about a rumour that is flying around. The rumour is that Kimi is in talks with McLaren about potentially replacing Button, who may take a year out or quit for good.

Anybody else heard anything of this? Am I late to the party?
Not heard that one, the only reference I could find on line was relating to an article on BBC 606 back in 2010.

Not sure that I would put too much credence to it, but then I am not the most reliable judge of these things.
A rumour in the Finnish press, apparently. A Finnish friend of mine told me. I'm not giving it much weight but there's normally at least a smoulder behind the smoke. I would have completely dismissed it if two outcomes for Jenson weren't cited.
It is a Hungarian blog. If all things come to pass, it would not be a bad move for Raikonnen, although I am sure there are other teams interested if he does fancy a move away from Enstone.

Personally, I don't see it, but who knows. Anything can happen in F1
I think most people are expecting Raikkonen to find himself at Red Bull in 2014... Certainly, I would expect Button to have a watertight contract for 2014 - certainly he signed a contract which was reportedly for 3 years, beginning in 2012 with options for 2015 onwards.
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