Once again, it is time for the end of season thank you thread.
I'm early for a change.
I figured I would post it now as site activity drops off quite rapidly towards the end of the season, meaning some would otherwise not see the thread.
A massive thanks to all the moderating staff, err I mean you FB, for keeping things running smoothly.
Thanks for hanging in there chap.
As always, we are extremely grateful to Galahad for the overtaking data, which continues to be a big draw.
F1Yorkshire for stepping in to run the FF1 Cup - it was touch and go whether there would be one this year.
teabagyokel for Team Mate Prediction (again).
CTA Fantasy F1 for running another superb FF1 season
All of the GP discussion thread writers (teabagyokel, mjo, RasputinLives, FB, Greenlantern101, F1Yorkshire, ) - I have enjoyed reading them all.
canis for the server, which has performed flawlessly (as always).
Mike for the XenForo software, which gets better with each and every update, and the OTDB and FF1 interfaces.
Chris Deeming for teaching me PHP so I could write the add-on we now use for the home page and featured threads.
Anyone who has had a thread featured.
Last but not least, all members and contributors, without whom the site wouldn't exist.
Who would have thought we'd still be here 6 1/2 years later.
(Apologies if I have missed anyone...I am quite old, you know.)
I'm early for a change.
I figured I would post it now as site activity drops off quite rapidly towards the end of the season, meaning some would otherwise not see the thread.
A massive thanks to all the moderating staff, err I mean you FB, for keeping things running smoothly.
Thanks for hanging in there chap.
As always, we are extremely grateful to Galahad for the overtaking data, which continues to be a big draw.
F1Yorkshire for stepping in to run the FF1 Cup - it was touch and go whether there would be one this year.
teabagyokel for Team Mate Prediction (again).
CTA Fantasy F1 for running another superb FF1 season

All of the GP discussion thread writers (teabagyokel, mjo, RasputinLives, FB, Greenlantern101, F1Yorkshire, ) - I have enjoyed reading them all.
canis for the server, which has performed flawlessly (as always).
Mike for the XenForo software, which gets better with each and every update, and the OTDB and FF1 interfaces.
Chris Deeming for teaching me PHP so I could write the add-on we now use for the home page and featured threads.
Anyone who has had a thread featured.
Last but not least, all members and contributors, without whom the site wouldn't exist.
Who would have thought we'd still be here 6 1/2 years later.
(Apologies if I have missed anyone...I am quite old, you know.)