Is Cycling motorsport?

Why on earth do you need a battery on a bike? The only one I have on mine is for my odometer, which I didn't think professional bikes used!
Brogan said:
Has there ever been a sport which is more corrupt than cycling?

Possibly the Olympics?

Horse racing? A sport that exists almost entirely for the purposes of gambling.

Cycling must be up there though, once you have riders replacing their blood in order to gain an advantage you begin to get an idea as to the lengths these teams will go in order to win. It's almost traditional in cycling now, but a lot less endearing than the kind of things riders used to get up to (catching trains, gripping corks on a wire in their teeth and getting pulled along by a team car etc).
I read a wonderful story about a cyclist who to beat a doping test filled his bladder with his wife's urine (seriously). The cheat was discovered when the testing lab, suspicious that some sort of cheating was taking place, carried out a pregnancy test on the sample and the rider turned out to be "with child".
Circumventing the rules is pretty much seen as just another avenue of development and if that includes monkeying with the riders themselves so be it. You hear major protestations from teams and organisers about stamping it out but the fact remains that unless someone is caught in the act then transgressions are only discovered after the fact. After all, once you've been photographed on the top step of the podium with your sponsors name across your chest whatever goes on a few months down the line is pretty much immaterial. Add to that the fact that most anti-doping measures are testing for procedures that are years old and you have a self repeating cycle of scandals.

My favourite ever story is from the Tour during the 20's I think (I'd have to dig out some books at home to give the specifics) but it involved a couple of riders who would, during some of the flat boring stages early in the race, ride some distance clear of the field until they found a likely village with a cafe. They'd wait for the Peloton to arrive (passing the time with a bottle of the local red) and throw bread rolls at the other cyclists as they passed. Spontaneity is one thing that amateur sport will always do better than at than the more organised and professional events, which is a shame really as it gives the competitors far more character.
Bullfrog said:
a couple of riders who would, during some of the flat boring stages early in the race, ride some distance clear of the field until they found a likely village with a cafe. They'd wait for the Peloton to arrive (passing the time with a bottle of the local red) and throw bread rolls at the other cyclists as they passed.
That sounds like my kind of cycling LOL
Thought I'd bump this in the hope of some comments regarding Lance Armstrong.
I have always had deep suspicions regarding his ability to win so many Tours de France, I thought it strange that he seemed to focus his later career on one event, this led me to think that it had something to do with detailed "planning" if you get what I mean.
How in the name of Odin's beard do you hide an electric motor on a bicycle?

As for Lance Armstrong, he's been tested 500 times and not come up positive
I wonder if it's something in the hub. Like a motorised counter balance which sympathises with the cyclist's pedal stroke. I can't imaging an engine for direct drive of the wheels.
And I thought dog racing was corrupt I'd gladly throw stale bread roles at cyclist though, that sounds like great fun..LOL it could almost be a sport in itself.. 10 points for a head shot that sort of thing...
Don't worry I know the one I want to get I live next to the River Avon and enjoy walking down the tow path but some cyclist a minority that is think they own the bloody path, most just ding their bell to let you know they are there when coming from behind or they think you haven't seen them and they thank you for standing to one side as they pass.

Anyway there is one git who really needs putting in his place twice he has nearly run me over and shouted abuse as he bravely pedalled off into the distance and once I saw him plough through a man walking his two dogs catching one of the dogs with his pedal causing the dog to yelp in pain when the man with the dogs shouted for him to watch where he was going the shit head on the bike shouted back "keep your fucking dogs under control" and bravely pedalled away.

Oh yes I am gunning for a piece of him and no mistake if I get the opportunity him and his bike are going to end up in the river a quick shoulder barge should do the trick..
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