iOS 6

Oh dear, I'm impresses with the new map functionality but to be honest I've not looked further afield than Leeds yet.

I did notice this on the link that made me chuckle.

A search for Manchester United Football Club directs users to Sale United Football Club, a community team for ages five and above.

It's obviously the better team!
Just plugged my phone into my laptop to transfer some music on to it and there is now a 6.0.1 update. Fixing the broken things I think.
That's a fairly small drop when you consider the share price went from $700 to $525 in less than two months (between September and November 2012).

It was vastly over-inflated though so a correction was long overdue.
I've got one of the stupid bloody phones but I won't be getting another fuck em....

When I saw my daughter last she said "Check you out with your iphone4s."

That says it all really doesn't it? It is nothing more than an overpriced fashion accessory....
Having an iphone is like a relationship/marriage. At the start it's great, but as it goes on it gets worse as the faults start to show and it doesn't work as good and by the end of the contract you just wish it'd bugger off so you can get something younger and slimmer...... I can certainly vouch for that as my battered 3GS is coming to the end now of it's contract and it's looking worse for wear now.
Having an iphone is like a relationship/marriage. At the start it's great, but as it goes on it gets worse as the faults start to show and it doesn't work as good

Now there's a nice, positive look ahead to the future life of one of Britain's young people ;)
my battered 3GS is coming to the end now of it's contract and it's looking worse for wear now.

Get yourself a 5, you will wonder how you ever coped with a 3GS, I upgraded from a 4 and saw a huge difference. The downside to apple is the inability to transfer apps to another operating system, all those purchases made through itunes are only useable with other apple products.
Once they have your claws in you it is hard to break free.
I will be upgrading to a 5 F1Yorkshire, I only got a 3GS because I couldn't afford the 4 (which was the newest one at the time) but it's lasted well even if the screens cracked, the lock button and volume buttons are broken, the home screen buttons faulty and the charger is faulty!!!!
The home button went on my 3 and my 4, its the button that takes the most wear. I have gone through quite a few charge cables recently but that's only because I have been buying them for £1/£2 from amazon instead of shelling out for the £15 demanded by apple.

The build quality post 3G is a big improvement, I recommend getting a good solid case though, mine cost £30 but it's made the phone nigh on indestructible, the only danger is immersion in water or being stood on by a girl in high heels....
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