Interview with an AI

I don't get all this hype about Artificial Intelligence. All it is is a computer running a program writen by humans. They cannot do anything that they have not been programmed to do. Even if they supposedly 'learn', it is learning that has been programmed. The day that a 'blank' chip can program itself is the day I will believe in AI.
The day that a 'blank' chip can program itself is the day I will believe in AI.
That's not a very good analogy though if we liken a chip to a baby, when a baby is born its brain is already programed to process body functions such as regulating the heart, breathing, sleeping and food processing. Babies are also born with a huge capacity to learn

Therefore a better analogy would be if a chip with a basic programming model and a programed capacity to learn then goes on to independently develop itself with the ability to interpret, challenge ideas and develop its own understanding of its environment.
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