Guess the circuit


isn't dead.
Valued Member
Simple rules
  • Find a picture of an F1 circuit past or present
  • Select a part of the image and crop it so as to not make it too obvious
  • Post the picture here via an image host
  • Whoever correctly guesses the circuit becomes the next person to post a picture
  • Be careful of URLs, make sure they don't give away clues!
I'll start us off with something nice and easy (although the harder they are, the better!) :


I'm pretty sure I know but it'd be pretty dull to get it so quickly! Also, I did the first one so it's only fair..
Thats a Toro Rosso, and those are yellow lines off a road. Is it Montreal? Circuit Giles Villenueve if your being picky.

Guess what..........there once was a driver also called Sebastian that used to drive a Toro Rosso ;) that might narrow it down ;)
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