You don't seem to see the same level of red mist in WSBR, do you? Just goes to show that GP2 is not really a meritocracy, populated as it is by various well-sponsored talent-vacuums. One has to wonder how these prats manage to garner such sponsorship in the first place, and furthermore, what marketing lummox is signing their cheques.
...mind you, you have to wonder who at PDVSA thought sponsoring Maldonado was a good idea - do none of them actually
watch the racing? Given the sums of money being shelled out to keep these cars on the grid, you would have thought
somebody would be watching how their marketing investment was being spent, and perhaps tapping a team owner on the shoulder and saying, "Hang on, this driver we're paying for is crashing quite a bit, isn't he? Isn't there someone out there who can drive without crashing into everyone else, the barriers, or the decorative pot-plants? Otherwise we'll take our squillions of petro-dollars and use them to sponsor something nice and enviromental, like lawn bowls, or somesuch..."