Ghosts Of Circuits Pasts...


Champion Elect
I always found the sight of remnants off legendary tracks a strangely moving, almost eerie sight to behold. I thought I'd post a thread dedicated to the varied fates that befell classic tracks (or sections of them) once they ceased being used to host motor racing events.

Some were never used all that much in the first place. Such as the "Other Green Hell" Sudschleife:



A group of historical fans got together to maintain the grandstands and instalations at Reims...


...while the bulldozers took care of Rouen. Still possible to drive around the track in a road car but the layout is now the only reminder that there ever was a race-track there...

They even tarmacked over the-then iconic cobbled hairpin:


Spa's Masta kink:


Any more examples you can think of?
When I was about 15 I went to Brooklands. Finding it was an industrial estate I went through the woods and eventually found myself on the banking, all on my own. Very ghostly.

That reminds me, my dad told me just this weekend that he was evacuated briefly to a family near Brooklands on the outbreak of WW2 and the house was the other side of the banking. He used to climb up the outside of the banking (quite I don't know how as it's quite high) and look over the top at Halifax bombers being built on the site. Of course Brooklands wasn't a particularly good place to be evacuated to, seeing as the bomber factory made it a target.
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In my opinion one of the biggest acts of vandalism carried out against a classic circuit and for what? So the prawn sandwich brigade got to see the cars go by a few more times (not that they would be watching from the paddock club anyway). I hate you Herman Tilke.
There is a blank on July 17, 18 and 19 on that calendar. Just when the German GP would have been it it were not for it not being run this year.
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