Television Game of Thrones

You can say that again. I'm having a few days off and Monday i started watching at 12 o'clock and ended at 6 o'clock.
I'm just gonna watch one episode i said. :D
I've just finished off watching through all three series again - loved it even more than the first time round! And now I understand what's going on a bit better lol. Can't wait for series four - apparently out in early 2014.
I finished season 3 on Sunday aswell haha. From what I can say about the show, is that, in my opinion, it's not really that special, most of an episode is average, it's only until the last 15 minutes or so it gets interesting,

Don't find many of the characters appealing either.

Though, the ending on Season 3 Episode 9, can't say I was expecting that at all.

Might need to watch them all again just to give it a better chance.
Read the books!

So much more depth and you really get to know the characters. Relative unknowns like Beric Dondarron 1st gets a mention back in season one but you don't really know how much of an influence they have over what happens in the war without reading more of the back story.

If you thought season 3 episode 9 was a shocker, what is coming up will really blow your mind!
I have several unread books that I've purchased, it took me 6 months to re-read The Hobbit again when I bought it as last time I took it from the library in school, and that's a book I thoroughly enjoyed.

If I bought the books for this series, with them having more than double the amount of pages than The Hobbit, I'll probably be a grandpa by the time I've read them all.

I might buy the first one, but honestly, by watching the tv programs, I don't get the fuss, it's a good program, but I don't believe it fits the hype.
It's all Batmans fault....

From what I've seen in the trailer they are bring in aspects of the 5th book. Reading alongside the tv series is no longer possible as the order has been completely shafted. Series 4 of the tv show should be picking up the rest of what happens in the third book. I know what's coming and can't wait to see how everyone reacts to the events!
Just read that George R.R. Martin thinks that the series might not have a big enough money pouch for what's coming and hints at movies.

All I know of series 4 is that the Red Viper is gonna fight "The Mountain" Clegane.
George R. R. Martin seems to have the same attitude to writing the Game Of Thrones books as I did to writing my dissertation at Uni. He's finding everything and anything he can think of to do rather than sitting down to write them so hearing he was deciding to write a movie script would not surprise me.

As we speak he's prob got up from his laptop and stopped writing because he has suddenly realised how important it is that his CD collection is in alphabetical order.
In case you haven't seen the million of adverts on sky or seen the 1000's of billboards by the side of the road GoT is back on Monday! Bring it on!
I've channeled my inner Flavio and come up with a plan.

As I've read all the books I've decided that unless you all delib lose to me at FF1 then I'm going to write the name of the next character that dies on this thread.

I suggest you all change your teams to include Max Chilton very quickly. ROFLLOL
I have also read all the books therefore I am immune to your plan! I do have to say I am looking forward to the next couple of deaths!
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