Fill in the Blanks V

Winner of fill in the Blanks?

  • TBY - play dodgems/Button/the Frenchman/punt off

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CAT - talk rubbish/Eddie Jordan/Paddock Spies/misinform

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • MZR - pinch drivers/Mallaya/Lucra/befuddle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BRO - fart/Max Mosley/expulsion of noxious gasses/punish

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Valued Member
Sorry, c_a_t, but this opportunity came up and I could not ignore it.

Fill in the blanks:

"Those who :censored: don't understand how much harm they can cause," :censored: was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The :censored: played a fundamental role in the decision to :censored: me."

In the style of FB:

"Those who are Asian don't understand how much harm they can cause," an Asian was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The Asians played a fundamental role in the decision to Asianise me."


* Real one to follow...
"Those who play dodgems don't understand how much harm they can cause," Button was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The Frenchman played a fundamental role in the decision to punt off me."
Those who talk rubbish don't understand how much harm they can cause," Eddie Jordan was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The Paddock Spies played a fundamental role in the decision to missinform me."
cider_and_toast said:
Those who talk rubbish don't understand how much harm they can cause," Eddie Jordan was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The Paddock Spies played a fundamental role in the decision to missinform me."

LOL Them damn paddock spies come back to haunt EJ again! (I bet DC has better paddock spies - you know Mark Webber, half the McLaren team...)
"Those who dislike me don't understand how much harm they can cause," Max Mosely was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The truth played a fundamental role in the decision to get rid of me."
"Those who pinch drivers don't understand how much harm they can cause," Mallya was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The lucra played a fundamental role in the decision to befuddle me".
"Those who fart don't understand how much harm they can cause," Max Mosley was quoted as saying by Gazzetta Sportiva. "The expulsion of noxious gasses played a fundamental role in the decision to punish me."
Poll time, 5 entries with Brogan's "Asians" comment considered as a joke as requested and his entry being the Max farting line.

So it is between

  • Me punting off Button
  • Cider_and_Toast misinforming EJ
  • frog-n-flymo disliking Max
  • McZiderRed pinching Mallaya's drivers
  • Brogan punishing Max for farting
:1st: Cider and Toast
:2nd: Brogan
:3rd: A tie between everyone else on 0

Thanks for voting and over to Ciderman to Fill in the Blanks VI or anyone else if an appropriate quote is found!
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