Curiosity Rover. Mission to Mars.

Mars farts are the key to a whole new understanding of our world. You've got to love mankind's curiosity to find answers.
In the not too distant past I have seen Windows XP crashing and rebooting at Sainsbury's and at Wycombe Bus Station. There's life in the old op sys, well sort of.

Also (my bold):

"On Earth, 95% of methane comes from microbial organisms, but there are many non-biological processes that can also generate the gas."

So the jury is still out.
Just how the fuck can a scientist be sure that a small rock that landed on earth 4.5 billion years ago came from fucking Mars when we have no actual real life samples of Martian rock to compare it against????????

Sounds like bullshit to me, also why would any rocky planet show any difference in its surface rocks structure than the ones we can find here on earth??

And if lets say that a bit of rock did fly off from Mars due to being hit by a meteor how does anyone know that the sample of rock being touted as a bit of Mars isn't in fact a bit of the bloody Meteor that hit Mars?

And another thing if our moon was created by another object hitting earth then the moon will be made up of the same substance as earth is, so how can I be sure that the samples of moon dust the Americans say they have, weren't just scooped up from Miami beach??
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Maybe they have found a T-rex fossil.

If you do a bit of googling lots of words such as 'urgent' and 'major' are being used for the press conference. It could be life. maybe. Most likely underground water though.
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Greenlantern101 Ithink it's probably something to do with some kind of substantial liquid water quantities somewhere under the surface because until now the great mystery of Mars was the evidence that liquid water was responsible for shaping some of the processes that had gone on without actually detecting the presence of any to speak of.

Holding a press conference with the big media noises and the fanfare might be a way of drumming up public support to pressure the US government into increasing its NASA budget towards future manned exploration of Mars. A way of convincing the public that the presence of large amounts of water on Mars might make the prospect logistically less difficult.

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