Curiosity Rover. Mission to Mars.

I hate to be the miserable one but isn't this a massive waste of money? Also, I'd rather people weren't blasting rockets into the sky above me full of plutonium 238, thank you very much.
I would rather they spent money on exploring space than the bloody 'lympics space exploration is the future of man kind the 'lympics is just some sod running a bit faster than some other sod....
Why is the cost an issue. The money is spent here on earth, its not blasted into space.
$2.5 billion is nothing. The war in Afganistan cost around $7 billion per month. 1 Stealth bomber is $1.5 billion. The olympics could of paid for 4 mars rovers.

As for the plutonium, its not actually that dangerous... so long as you don't swallow it.
Factiod - they used to make pace maker batteries from it due to its 80 year life span.
Thank you for the factoid Greenlantern101. Anything which contains nuclear material for me is a bit suspect. When a 747 crashed outside Stansted the airlines got a bit worried about as they use depleted uranium to weight the tail but Shhh! It's a secret. Not so good when it's spread across the Essex countryside.

As to the cost - two wrongs don't make a right but I take your point that far more money is pissed down the drain on things just as pointless.
I really don't have a problem with money spent on space exploration, mainly as it brings great benefits to us down here at the same time. You would be surprised how many things you take for granted each and every day that came from the space program in one form or another....
Anything which contains nuclear material for me is a bit suspect.


Well, we wouldn't exist without nuclear material. :)


In the early days Nasa and the military were hand in glove. The first US Astronauts were lofted into space on top of a Redstone rocket which basically involved removing the can of instant sunshine and replacing it with a man in a can. Virtually all of Nasa's Earth orbitting projects have either been developed with a military application as part of the project or stemmed from an original military requirement.

Fortunately the military have no interest in conquering other planets (yet)
Of course there is something to be defeated. Mars. The god of war.
Quite frankly Mars is just asking to be nuked goddamit. Howdi.
Oh dear...

A sensor on the robot's weather station that takes wind readings has sustained damage.
The mission team stresses this is not a major problem and will merely degrade some measurements - not prevent them.

It is not certain how the damage occurred but engineers suspect surface stones thrown up during Curiosity's rocket-powered landing may have struck sensor circuits and broken the wiring.
Here's a vaguely related useless facts, Voyager 1 which is now entering inter-stellar space is over 18 Billion km away from Earth.

The mental bit is that equates to 0.001 Light years - Proxima centauri, our nearest star is 4.24 light years away.

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