I think F1 should hurry up and decide whether it wants to be a team sport or not. If it's a team sport than all these radio messages should be allowed, if it's not then team orders should be banned. We now have one rule that has been changed to emphasise the role of the team and another that has been changed to lessen it

Aside from that, one thing I've found frustrating about this years championship battle is that whenever one side of the Mercedes garage gets an edge the other side can just look at the telemetry and copy it. Both of them get all the telemetry from the other driver and know precisely where they're slower/faster, what the setup differences are etc. etc. etc. However, this is as a result of having a championship battle which is exclusively between team mates, and that's a pretty rare occurrence in the history of F1.
In general, I dislike the messages that specifically talk about lines through corners, anything that's driving advice as opposed to strategic or car performance information. The strategic/car related messages I'm completely fine with though, so I personally think these rules go too far. To some extent it just makes it a memory test for the driver, you can talk about MotoGP, historic F1 or other series not needing all this information but they don't/didn't have hundreds of settings in front of them on the steering wheel. A driver might know exactly what change he wants to apply to the car but not that the correct setting is "left hand dial 3, position 6, red button 4 clicks, green square to confirm" or whatever.
I think there's an argument for saying just let the drivers drive and let the engineers deal with the intricacies of all the knobs and switches. In fact, I would prefer a reduction in the number of parameters the drivers can change in car rather than restricting radio messages.
P.S. Most of all, I wish the FIA would stop fucking around with the rules mid-season!