Brawn made £98.5M profit in 2009

fat jez

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Brawn showed a pretty good return on their investors money last year and the directors are pocketing £20M between them in dividends. I wonder if Honda are kicking themselves now?

Source: ESPN F1
I don't begrudge Ross Brawn a penny of this. You could argue that without Honda money to develop the chassis or the Mercedes engine none of this would have happened but the simple point is that Brawn spent the money very wisely and pulled off the coup of the decade in securing Mercedes motors. Meanwhile, down the pitlane, Toyota were spending even more and achieving virtually nothing.

The one man who I don't think deserves a penny is Nick errmm Fry. I believe much of the responsbility for Honda pulling out of F1 falls at his door, why should he profit? :mad:

I wonder if Button and Barichello will get anything extra? After all they put there lives on the line to win the races and if it weren't for them (and Button in particular) none of the directors would have got back the £3.5 million they "lent" the business.
FB said:
I wonder if Button and Barichello will get anything extra? After all they put there lives on the line to win the races and if it weren't for them (and Button in particular) none of the directors would have got back the £3.5 million they "lent" the business.

They didn't even want to give Jenson the car they promised him so I doubt Jenson or Rubens are holding their breath. :bored:
The filing also confirmed that Daimler AG's Mercedes and Abu Dhabi fund Aabar Investments PJSC paid £110 million for the team in November; a figure that Fry claims is based on future performances.

Does this mean if they don't perform they'll have to pay it back?... :thinking:
A big organisation won't look at it that way! What they will see for their own investors and share holders (not sure if they are listed/private in Japan) is that huge black hole is lifted off their profit & loss sheets and they can move forward with a more stable business model.

Even with a profit one year, F1 is not a stable enough as a entity (high income generated from fickle sponsors) for a business to manage a long term strategy.
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