Best looking F1 cars ever!

One of my favourites

I'm pretty sure the Osama ad on the Jordan had nothing to do with the Bin Ladens. They had as huge construction company in Saudi Arabia of which Osama benefited hugely, but he was very much an odd one out in the family and went the religious extremist route (helped by oodles of family cash) rather than work in the Bin Laden Corporation. His name wouldn't have featured anyway even if it was them. It does have connotations these days, a bit like the name Adolf!
Without picking specific favourites, I liked the cars of the 1989-97 period; the length/width proportion was perfect in my eyes (many of the turbo cars were stubby while modern ones are too narrow). There were some lovely shapes produced in the Sixties, of course.
siffert_fan ... USA GP 2012 historic GP race...

watching some 30 cars from years thunder past was a helluva lot of fun... hearing the screaming banshee of the old Ferrari V12 was something else...


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