Bernie Ecclestone

Bernie Ecclestone attempted to qualify for a single World Championship event. He was in a Connaught-Alta, one of a fleet of three entered by himself. He finished qualifying 265.2 seconds off the pace, and his two team-mates failed to qualify as well.

He is, however, the most important single person in Grand Prix history. He took charge of Motor Racing Developments in 1972, from Ron Tauranac. He was the team principal for Nelson Piquet's two drivers' titles, but he'd lost interest by the time Brabham missed the deadline to enter the 1988 World Championship.

Into the governance of the sport he went, and he modernised it, and quickly controlled Formula One. He is now the leader of a billion-dollar industry. He is a divisive figure, but he's not done badly for someone who was four minutes off the pace on a Saturday in Monaco.
When will someone tell this senile old prick to **** off?
I seem to remember having posted about this months ago, with the disclaimer that it was a newspaper story hence not to be wholly believed. I am still of that opinion, but it would be nice to be wrong.
I thought he'd resigned from something, why is he still sticking his nose in? In what capacity is he sticking his nose in.
From the article:

"He has turned what was essentially a minority activity for enthusiasts into the most-watched global sport outside the Olympics and football's World Cup."

"....since the sport began trading as a commodity, his success in making money for his bosses."

These statements sum up why I dislike what he has done to what once upon a time was a sport.

He made the "sport" what it is today and then complains because the teams behave the way he does.
I'll tell you what, we'll have it your way, Bernie, why not? We'll go to 2013 regulations. We'll not change anything, we'll have what's not a farce.

The TV viewers loved what they had at the end of 2013. They'd love a 2014 whose winners list was Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel Vettel. Because the people who turn up to the races aren't interested in people actually racing, in fact they just turn up for the noise.

But I'd cut you a deal, Bernie, since the noise is exactly what people want to hear. You run a series of days across the world, where you charge people £80 a pop to listen to a V8 engine. Imagine all the money saved, you wouldn't even have to put it in a car!

And think of the space saved, you wouldn't even need a circuit, you just need an arena - of course, only in the most desirable areas - Singapore, Texas, Abu Dhabi, a desert that could be described as near Istanbul, a field in South Korea...

Meanwhile, the teams, the FIA and the rest can run an interesting racing series involving actual racing. Maybe in less desirable areas like the British countryside, a Canadian island, a Belgian forest, a Japanese coast or a park in Australia. Those would be good. And most importantly, you wouldn't be involved, Bernie, which would be a great improvement.

However, it is nice to see that, on this issue, hopefully the first of many, the FIA have elected to overrule the knobhead of the day (for everyday since 1951), instead going the way that will be the best for the viewers, and those who pay the ridiculous fees, and not forgetting the perennially interested (and not illegally detained) plastic seats of Sakhir.

So I'm delighted he's upset. I think there might be a finisher in the 2014 Australian Grand Prix...
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