Bernie Ecclestone

Bernie Ecclestone attempted to qualify for a single World Championship event. He was in a Connaught-Alta, one of a fleet of three entered by himself. He finished qualifying 265.2 seconds off the pace, and his two team-mates failed to qualify as well.

He is, however, the most important single person in Grand Prix history. He took charge of Motor Racing Developments in 1972, from Ron Tauranac. He was the team principal for Nelson Piquet's two drivers' titles, but he'd lost interest by the time Brabham missed the deadline to enter the 1988 World Championship.

Into the governance of the sport he went, and he modernised it, and quickly controlled Formula One. He is now the leader of a billion-dollar industry. He is a divisive figure, but he's not done badly for someone who was four minutes off the pace on a Saturday in Monaco.
When it rains on Bernie's parade it will pour

German bank to file new damages case against Ecclestone

"We can confirm that BayernLB is working at high speed on civil charges against Mr Ecclestone and expects to file suit against him in the High Court in London in January 2014," a spokesman for BayernLB said.

This new action comes in the wake of the currently running Constantin Medien case in Blighty's High Court and the court in Munich that is still considering whether to prosecute Bernie for bribing Gribkowsky.
There is something about the man that no matter how far up shit creek he gets you know he will wash up outside this place.

The courts will throw a lot of shit at Bernie and by some mirical none of it will stick.

Either that or he'll get 60 odd days in a luxuary open plan prison and get tine off to go to Grand Prix's and Sweedish massarge parlours.
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