Bernie Ecclestone

Bernie Ecclestone attempted to qualify for a single World Championship event. He was in a Connaught-Alta, one of a fleet of three entered by himself. He finished qualifying 265.2 seconds off the pace, and his two team-mates failed to qualify as well.

He is, however, the most important single person in Grand Prix history. He took charge of Motor Racing Developments in 1972, from Ron Tauranac. He was the team principal for Nelson Piquet's two drivers' titles, but he'd lost interest by the time Brabham missed the deadline to enter the 1988 World Championship.

Into the governance of the sport he went, and he modernised it, and quickly controlled Formula One. He is now the leader of a billion-dollar industry. He is a divisive figure, but he's not done badly for someone who was four minutes off the pace on a Saturday in Monaco.
Christian Horner would be a good choice, someone with an unbiased approach and no axe to grind. He is always fair to both drivers, although he has known to be more fair to one of his team than the other.

I realise that his posing nude may not help with respect to some, but then his holding hands with Mr Ecclestone may not find favour with everyone, perhaps it would best if it were only done in private. And don't forget that Mr Ecclestone, whose word I always believe, has said the Horner is straight.
So we need team bosses/owners to apply for Bernie's job. Here's a quick scary shortlist:

Christian (not Red Bull biased at all) Horner
Eddie Jordan
Flavio Briatore
Dany Bahar
Vijay Mallya
Richard Branson

F1 is screwed I think.......
I would rather go for Ross Brawn. With an extensive history in F1 and a man that knows his mind and unwilling to hold hands with Bernie it is the logical choice.
Oh go on then if nobody else wants the job I'll step up but don't expect any favours mind even if you are Ferrari, I will be even handed at all times, now where's my best mate Martin Whitmarsh? I must give him a call.
You know what, the timing of the whole Ross Brawn speculation and year off could be very convenient, and lets face it, he knows how the game is played better than most these days....
Hmm, Ross for 5 years whilst Vettel beats Schumie's record of World Titles and then Horner takes over. That might just work.

According to an article on, Ferrari has a veto over Bernie's successor which was written into their agreement prior to the F1 flotation!

I guess that lays to rest ANY claim of impartiality that Bernie and his minions @ FIA make make about any decision about any thing! Ferrari uber alles is clearly their line of reasoning.
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A veto doesn't give Ferrari the choice of who gets the job it only allows them to reject someone they don't want and it sounds as if it is exactly the sort of thing Bernie would do to keep Ferrari on board...
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