Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I worded that badly. The feelings for Hamilton seem to be more polarised. The dislike and like for him seem to be stronger than most drivers. They mention more UK-based fans filled in the survey than anywhere else too.
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It was a small sample and, as was pointed out on the BBC, the younger fans may be more into social media than they are into form filling whilst the reverse may be true of the older fans.
Great achievement, and congratulations are in order for Lewis in becoming #3 :3rd:on the all time pole winning list, right behind Schumacher and Senna.

Hamilton realizes that those fans who may dislike him for whatever reason, which as he said, " been a part of his life since his first year of racing, and really doesn't bother him."
It all depends on the question asked. If asked for a favourite driver, saying Raikkonen/Button/Stevens does not imply that the respondent hates Hamilton.
A lots been made of Rosberg's form lately and him turning the tables on Hamilton, I can't see it at all. Monaco was a gift to Rosberg and Hamilton had a bad outing in Austria by his own standards but under almost any circumstances when one of them has to pull a little magic out of the hat it will nearly always be Lewis that finds that little extra. I'm still picking Hamilton for the title comfortably. Qualifying was brilliant and said it all really. :thumbsup:
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When Lewis pitted for the second time for inters on lap 43.....I immediately felt ill, with visions of Monaco dancing in my head, but recouped quickly when I saw Nico pitting on the following lap. Good on Hamilton for winning his third British vote for driver of the day.
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Interesting comments about the start problems Hamilton has been having.

At this point, it is worth rewinding the clock two weeks to Austria.There is no doubt Rosberg had a pace advantage over Hamilton there, but equally there was no doubt that the race turned on the start.

Hamilton, starting from pole, was not as fast off the line as his team-mate, lost the lead and from then on had it all to do.

At the time, it looked like a mistake by Hamilton, but in fact it was anything but. He was slightly late in dropping his clutch but that was because he was managing a very tricky problem.

There was a fault with his engine, which was not responding to his foot on the throttle. It meant Hamilton had to guess the correct position to hold the throttle for the start, and hope for the best. Incredibly, he got it almost right.

The problem recurred with Rosberg in the car at the subsequent test. "We actually found Lewis had done an incredible job to manage it as well as he did," Mercedes executive director (technical) Paddy Lowe said. "Things could have been a lot worse. Nico actually stalled it."

Although Rosberg did so with full knowledge of the problem that had afflicted Hamilton, and chose to do something different to see what would happen, the Briton's actions in the heat of the moment in that race demonstrated his remarkable feel for the capabilities of a grand prix car in changing circumstances.

I know some have criticised Hamilton for being unable to make a decent start lately.

It would seem the criticism is unwarranted, quite the opposite in fact (not that I expect that to change anything).
How about they give them a rev counter so they can see what speed the engine is running when they drop the clutch? What a nonsense technology is making of F1.

Even Lewis agrees.

Do you agree with Niki Lauda that technology has ruined the job of the driver? - Gerard V.P.

"That is a personal opinion of his and it's not for me to judge. The situation is what it is, but it was better when there was less technology, for sure."
Hamilton now holds the record for most consecutive races led, at 18.
wow, he's really taking the records I thought he was going to in 2007/8, he's just taken longer to do so than I thought he would.

Who held the record before and where does Schumacher fit into that?
The thought of Lewis soon to be considered a great, will make some people:crazy: and something that they will just keep trying to deny, by ignoring the facts.
Just an observation of mine, but to add to that, I've heard on numerous occasions both Moss and Stewart talking about each. Both tend to exhalt Alonso whilst saying Hamilton has a lot to prove before they will hold him in the same light as their former colleagues and rivals like Fangio and Clark.... just an observation....
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