What's the point?


Exulted Lord High Moderator of the Apex
Staff Member
Valued Member
In view of the rapturous reception given by all to the recent announcement about the award of a point for fastest lap, I feel we as fans could provide further suggestions about other areas of the race weekend that could also see teams and / or drivers awarded a valuable championship point.

Some of my suggestions are:

Longest comfort break before getting in the car on the grid.

Most profanity bleeped out on the car to pit radio.

Best celebrity in the team garage during the race.

Most stylish podium celebration

Slowest pitstop.

Let's hear your suggestions.
My suggestion:
Please do not try to repeat this in the front of Chase Carey. I think we have enough problems as it is already, and we do not need some new additional ones.
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In view of the rapturous reception given by all to the recent announcement about the award of a point for fastest lap, I feel we as fans could provide further suggestions about other areas of the race weekend that could also see teams and / or drivers awarded a valuable championship point.

Some of my suggestions are:

Longest comfort break before getting in the car on the grid.

Most profanity bleeped out on the car to pit radio.

Best celebrity in the team garage during the race.

Most stylish podium celebration

Slowest pitstop.

Let's hear your suggestions.
To veer of ever so slightly...
cider_and_toast I certainly get your point of taking a light-hearted approach to the FIA's decision to award this new rule and I don't want to give the impression that this is in some way a criticism of your post, but I feel we as fans are certainly very hard to please. As an example, remember the good old days when Kimi use to knock out fastest laps and everyone went... You don't get points for fastest laps.

Despite my criticism of FIA of late and our constant scrutineering of the rule book, I certainly feel this is a nice incentive. Even if teams bolt on a new set they saved 3 laps at the end of the race and go on a glory run, it will make them feel good. Plus they get a million or two when money are distributed at end of year for points achieved
You made me remember. I think that podium celebration of Ric with his racing shoes are very disgusting. Wonder where he got that idea? It turns me off and I switch the channel when he's on the podium. I'm sure it also turns other viewers off?

Maybe a driver should get banned a race for doing that. It will certainly give him a pause to reconsider
You made me remember. I think that podium celebration of Ric with his racing shoes are very disgusting. Wonder where he got that idea? It turns me off and I switch the channel when he's on the podium. I'm sure it also turns other viewers off?

Maybe a driver should get banned a race for doing that. It will certainly give him a pause to reconsider
Au contraire. Every time Mercedes wins a race, I would make their drivers drink champagne from shuey. That will teach them not to do it again.
You made me remember. I think that podium celebration of Ric with his racing shoes are very disgusting. Wonder where he got that idea? It turns me off and I switch the channel when he's on the podium. I'm sure it also turns other viewers off?

Maybe a driver should get banned a race for doing that. It will certainly give him a pause to reconsider

Agreed, I think the shoey is disgusting!

As for gaining a point, maybe the driver who says 'for sure' the most times in any one interview.

Oh yes, F1 Fans are hard to please.

That's why we have sections on the forum such as the "off the (pit) wall" thread and the "fun and games" thread where we can gently poke fun at ourselves and the sport.

Successfully cheating during Monaco qualifying: +25 points

And in the race at Singapore. LOL
How about having a public vote at the beginning of the season to decide who is World Champion, like X Factor or the other various talent shows, and then letting each race be a proper race rather than lots of pissing about as drivers "drive for the points" or a driver holding up another teams drivers to get a better points finish for their team mate?
Now you're talking! How about fans could do that before every race and the driver with most votes gets a chance to press a special button so they get more power? That would be great for a while, until it became shit. Then perhaps drivers could drive through a special lane which gave them access to the same button, until that became shit. Then perhaps drivers could take a short cut every now and again, until that became clearly the bag of old bollox that Bernie waved around every so often to make people realise that John Lydon's closing to the Pistols' last gig was written by Bernie himself.
Bernie was the greatest of the punks.
Have any of us every really thought that the whole thing is actually totally contrived and moaning about F1 "losing its purity" by offering a point for fastest lap really shouldn't worry anyone. We could always stop watching...

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