US GP Site Announcement

But do you know who Stephen F. Austin was?

Or that Texas was an independent republic before it was invited to join the USA.

Or the importance of the Battle of San Jacinto.

All together now, Google!!!

Guess what; I'm originally from Texas.
For those too lazy to type all those long words into their favourite search engine I've done one for you. :snigger:

I would say, in my defence, I'm not from Texas and (probably like many) thought either Houston or Dallas was the state capital as they are the most famous cities for us foreigners.

Pop quiz - What's the capital of Hampshire (my home county) - no Googling allowed.

It's Winchester home of the Hampshire Hog and the Knights of the Round Table.
FB said:
For those too lazy to type all those long words into their favourite search engine I've done one for you. :snigger:

I would say, in my defence, I'm not from Texas and (probably like many) thought either Houston or Dallas was the state capital as they are the most famous cities for us foreigners.

Pop quiz - What's the capital of Hampshire (my home county) - no Googling allowed.

It's Winchester home of the Hampshire Hog and the Knights of the Round Table.
That's a simple one, its Winchester, just down the road from me..

OK, my original county was E.Sussex and I was born in the County town, can anyone tell me what it is?

Also, yes, I did know who Stephen Fuller Austin was for some strange reason..
RickD said:
OK, my original county was E.Sussex and I was born in the County town, can anyone tell me what it is?

Also, yes, I did know who Stephen Fuller Austin was for some strange reason..

Hey, I was born in that same town!
Stephen Fuller Austin was a question on (I think) Uni Challenge last night. Funny how useful facts or words/names you've never heard of seem to crop up several times in quick succession.
fat_jez said:
RickD said:
Give that man a prize. :goodday:

It's a town I know very well, my Grandfather lives in Seaford and my Father was born in Hastings.
Its a smallish world, I moved to Seaford at the age of 11, got out of there as soon as possible though.. ;)
rufus_mcdufus said:
RickD said:
OK, my original county was E.Sussex and I was born in the County town, can anyone tell me what it is?

Also, yes, I did know who Stephen Fuller Austin was for some strange reason..

Hey, I was born in that same town!
Stephen Fuller Austin was a question on (I think) Uni Challenge last night. Funny how useful facts or words/names you've never heard of seem to crop up several times in quick succession.
Yeah, was born in Landport for my sins.. Lovely place.. ;)
Flood1 said:
Thanks for the history lesson guys. I have been in Austin for a few days, have been to the site, and have talked to a few people who are off the record. here is the latest blog about what is happening and there will be more to follow. My friends are following up on some details and I expect some confirmation soon. ... lood1.html

Thanks flood1 There's some very interesting news on there.The site seems to have some terrain changes which should allow Mr.Tilke to produce something different to the usual Tilkedromes.
McLarenSupremo said:
Will there be 5 mile run-off areas as per usual in modern f1 tracks?

That depends on the FIA. Not Tilke.The track must conform to these conditions.

7.8 Protective measures
When determining measures intended for the protection of
spectators, drivers, race offi cials and service personnel during
competitions, the characteristics of the course should be taken
into consideration (track layout and profi le; topography; racing
trajectories; adjacent areas, buildings and constructions) as well
as the speed attained at any point of the track.
Although when circumstances permit it may be appropriate to
provide suffi cient obstacle- and spectator-free spaces for the
energy of a car leaving the track out of control to be completely
expended, it is most frequently necessary or preferable to contain
an accident in relative proximity to the trackside, by absorbing the
car’s energy and/or providing conditions for the driver to regain
control. In order to achieve this, various deceleration systems
and energy dissipating and stopping barriers may be installed to
constitute a fi rst line of protection ... 010%20.pdf
sportsman said:
McLarenSupremo said:
Will there be 5 mile run-off areas as per usual in modern f1 tracks?

That depends on the FIA. Not Tilke.The track must conform to these conditions.

7.8 Protective measures
When determining measures intended for the protection of
spectators, drivers, race offi cials and service personnel during
competitions, the characteristics of the course should be taken
into consideration (track layout and profi le; topography; racing
trajectories; adjacent areas, buildings and constructions) as well
as the speed attained at any point of the track.
Although when circumstances permit it may be appropriate to
provide suffi cient obstacle- and spectator-free spaces for the
energy of a car leaving the track out of control to be completely
expended, it is most frequently necessary or preferable to contain
an accident in relative proximity to the trackside, by absorbing the
car’s energy and/or providing conditions for the driver to regain
control. In order to achieve this, various deceleration systems
and energy dissipating and stopping barriers may be installed to
constitute a fi rst line of protection ... 010%20.pdf
In other words, build a race track and then sterilise it...
In a nutshell yes.I have Autocad on my computer and I am able to open the FIA provided templates.

There is very little room to do much more than Tilke actually does. :censored:
I'm still looking forward to the finished circuit.
The elevation changes will give it an element which is missing from a lot of others.

As I've said many times before, Tilke is severely limited as to what he can do so it's unfair to blame it on him.
sportsman said:
In a nutshell yes.I have Autocad on my computer and I am able to open the FIA provided templates.

There is very little room to do much more than Tilke actually does. :censored:

I too am a CAD monkey and have the ability to open the files. Where would I find them?
F1Yorkshire said:
sportsman said:
In a nutshell yes.I have Autocad on my computer and I am able to open the FIA provided templates.

There is very little room to do much more than Tilke actually does. :censored:

I too am a CAD monkey and have the ability to open the files. Where would I find them?

Click on the FIA link.Takes a bit of searching.They are labelled templates.

Sorry.Wrong link.Try this one. ... cuits.aspx
sportsman said:
F1Yorkshire said:
sportsman said:
In a nutshell yes.I have Autocad on my computer and I am able to open the FIA provided templates.

There is very little room to do much more than Tilke actually does. :censored:

I too am a CAD monkey and have the ability to open the files. Where would I find them?

Click on the FIA link.Takes a bit of searching.They are labelled templates.

Sorry.Wrong link.Try this one. ... cuits.aspx

Excellent I now have the same tools as Herman Tilke. I'll start submitting some plans to Bernie, I'll let you know if I get anywhere.

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