Movies The worst film you ever saw.

Has anyone else seen Peter Jackson's Bad Taste? Amazes me how he has now gone on to become one of Hollywood's most respected directors after this start in the world of film, although his remake of KIng Kong wasn't so good and just how did they get the big gorilla onto the boat and back to New York?
Has anyone else seen Peter Jackson's Bad Taste? Amazes me how he has now gone on to become one of Hollywood's most respected directors after this start in the world of film, although his remake of KIng Kong wasn't so good and just how did they get the big gorilla onto the boat and back to New York?

Absolutely nothing wrong with "Bad Taste". Black comedy at it's finest.
A couple of really bad movies we've seen recently.

Prince of Persia (Jake Gyllenhall) - just dire.
Robin Hood (Russell Crowe) - nonsense.
The Avengers

I know it got panned by the critics, but I have always been one who takes the critics' assessments with a pinch of salt. So I went along assuming that Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman and Co. would actually produce something at least watchable. I was wrong, it was awful, and not even in a so-bad-it's-good way. Added to that insult was the injury of finding out later that the trashed Jaguar E-Type that appeared at the end of a stunt sequence was actually a genuine E-Type that they had trashed and not a prop, and that in running the stunt sequence they had consumed pretty much all of Europe's new-old-stock supply of E-Type parts. I'll probably never be able to afford an E-Type, but the car nut in me can't ever forgive Jeremiah Chechik for that act of vandalism.
Has anyone else seen Peter Jackson's Bad Taste? Amazes me how he has now gone on to become one of Hollywood's most respected directors after this start in the world of film, although his remake of KIng Kong wasn't so good and just how did they get the big gorilla onto the boat and back to New York?

Don't ask yourself to many questions with such kind of movies.
The same with Jurrasic Park. How did the T-rex enter the building in the final scene?
Films seem to be getting worse...

Recently we have watched (I say watched, more like paid scant attention to):

The Karate Kid remake - just plain awful
The A Team remake - both of us stopped watching it after about 10 minutes and it was just on in the background, but when it got to the flying tank we both just looked at each other and there was an unspoken agreement to just delete it from the planner.
"Night of the Lepus" was an appalling black and white 'B' movie about Flesh Eating giant, cute, fluffy white bunnies ... And it was supposed to be serious.

Laugh a second! :popcorn:
Films seem to be getting worse...

Recently we have watched (I say watched, more like paid scant attention to):

The Karate Kid remake - just plain awful
The A Team remake - both of us stopped watching it after about 10 minutes and it was just on in the background, but when it got to the flying tank we both just looked at each other and there was an unspoken agreement to just delete it from the planner.

Hey, i didn't know you could learn kung-fu by hanging on your jacket.:D
All the films that come on that channel "Syfy"....

Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat...terrible films and Rocky Balboa.

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