The What If Machine


Valued Member
I kinda nicked this idea from the F1 Rejects Forum, and of course from Futurama.

The idea is we start a chain reaction by changing an event in F1's past and following it to find a completely different F1 today.
Be as imaginative as you like as long as its realistic (Ayrton Senna will not drive an Andrea Moda, I'm not having it!)

Each poster will take the next season to the previous one, and try to follow the driver movements! Don't ever allow things to return to the normal passage of history!

The event that is changing is: Jim Clark survives F2 race in 1968

If this goes well I'll run another few.

So to start off...

Jim Clark holds off Graham Hill in tense battle to win World Championship.

Changes:Jim Clark +1 WDC, Graham Hill -1WDC
Olivier never enters F1 so desn't take Pedro Rodriguez' BRM seat at end of 1968
Jochen Rindt therefore ends up at Ferrari
Clark calls it quits after taking his final title in 1970. He had a huge shunt but fortunatly was wearing his seat belts and that saved him. He didn't race again that season after recovering from his injuries he decieded enough was enough. He made several appearences in the BTCC and won Le Mans matching Hills achievement of winning motorsports triple crown before settleing down in Scotland.

Rindt had two fruitless years for Ferrari before Colin Chapman tempted him to Join the team as a partner to the young Emerson Fitipaldi for the 1971 season. Rindts place at Ferrari was taken by a young, hard charging march driver called Ronnie Petterson.

We're saying Clark takes both 1969 and 1970 then?

Rindtipaldi don't have a great year in 1971, with Ken Tyrell and Jackie Stewart taking the title by just a few points from Ronnie Petersen. Petersen is joined at Ferrari for 1972 by young Argentinian driver Carlos Reutemann. Jacky Ickx takes the vacancy at McLaren, whilst Mario Andretti heads back to the States after a disappointing season as Ferrari's third driver. Ferrari run their third car less frequently in 1972, for Patrick Depallier. Clay Regazzoni debuts replacing Peterson at March. Rindt retires at the end of 1971, suggesting a young driver from his homeland named Lauda to take the Lotus seat.
Lotus didn't have a great year in 69 because they were too busy messing around with 4 wheel drive and pratt and witney gas turbines so the type 49 was shelved for much of the season. It returned in 1970 but was soon replaced by the type 72. One of the biggest contributing factors in Jochen Rindts death was the fact he was not wearing his crotch strap on his seat belt because he didn't like it. When his car hit the barrier and slid under it, Rindts body shot forward and under the chest belt causing fatal head and throat injuries.

I still think even in the this world JYS and Matra would take the 69 title.

One of the biggest contributing factors in Jochen Rindts death was the fact he was not wearing his crotch strap on his seat belt because he didn't like it. When his car hit the barrier and slid under it, Rindts body shot forward and under the chest belt causing fatal head and throat injuries. I am certain Clark, who was natoriously a nervous man would have been wearing a full seat belt (especially if, as in our fatasy world, he would have survived his 1968 shunt in Germany)

I would have it as:

1968 - Clark
1969 - JYS
1970 - Clark (Clark retires)
Let's fast forward 14 years into 1984, Monaco to be precise and the rain comes down heavily and the race isn't red flagged cus Balestre is at a baguette shop when Prost wants the red flag and Senna closes in and gets past, but 7 laps later Stefan Bellof passes Prost as well and closes in on Senna, then the red flag is shown. Many say that 1 lap later and Bellof would have passed Senna who gets signed up by Mclaren for 1985 as Lauda retires after winning the World Championship. Bellof is taken in by Lotus and under preformes, with Senna taking 3rd in the world championship and winning in 86, but Ferrari take in Bellof who still underpreformes and after Senna wins the 87 world championship but Prost isn't happy and moves to Ferrari with Bellof, Mansell goes to Williams and '88 Bellof takes out Senna and Prost wins the first world championship for Ferrari since Jody in '79. Continue...
This is one of the most intriguing for me. What if Williams would have signed Senna after his test before 1983 British GP?
Rosberg and Senna at Williams in '84 would have been a combustible partnership to say the least. One can imagine Keke leaving at the end of that season.
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