When you think about it the way Mr Ecclestone is going is the correct one. He is managing to get satellite companies to pay him lots of money to have exclusive TV rights. This does mean that the number of people watching is lower but then they are the people who have the spare cash to pay for viewing. The sponsors are not unhappy because those watching are the ones they want to target with their sponsorship. As an oap I am less likely to change my bank than those better off and I am also unlikely to be less interested in the benefits of an expensive mobile phone contract. I am also less likely to be influenced in what high energy drink I consume (I did try a couple of Red Bulls given away at Monza, I can't say that I was impressed).
So, sad as it may be to someone who has been interested in F1 since Silverstone 1950, I am just not the sort of person who is wanted by the F1 community. In point of fact all I contribute is some ticket money to a couple of circuits each year, this money does not go to FOM so is really of no use whatsoever to them.
So who care if viewing figures do go down?