Current Robert Kubica

He's fast, Polish and a bloody brilliant racer. To me Kubica is a special talent and has been very unlucky to not find himself in a top team yet.

The thing i like about Kubica is that he's a trier and never gives in say if he was third and had a sniff of second he'd go and chase the second place man down. He's a much toned down version of Lewis Hamilton IMHO he's great at overtaking (Austrailla 2009) exception and if he was in a better car i think he'd a won more races than the current 1 he stands at.

Kubica made his F1 debut at the Hungrian GP in 2006 replacing the injuried Jacque Villeneuve for BMW Sauber. He'd outqualified teammate Nick Heidfeld at the time and finished the race in 7th place only to be DSQ for been under weight. Since Kubica's first and only Pole Position came at the 2008 Bahrain GP, that same season he'd broke his winning duck and won his current and only race in Canada. Kubica has stood on the podium 12 times and in his 76 race he's scored a total of 273 points.

Sad news broke eariler in the year (2011) that Kubica had been involved in a Rally competition and crashed, his life was said to be in the balance, but he's slowly recovering from nasty injuries he substaned in the accident. It remains to be seen whether Kubica will return to motor-racing. But for me Kubica is a talented driver and if we do see him back on the grid i'd be over the moon.

Whether you like him or not Kubica is a cool guy and one that i'd like to see become Champion if he return's to the sport.

How do you rate Kubica?
The reason I was remaining optimistic about Robert returning to F1, was because of an accident several years ago, my then husband had. He was using a hover mower & cleared some grass cutting from the edge......without switching off the power. His thumb was sliced, the nail was sliced off, the slices going from back to front. A neuro surgeon re attached all the tendons & nerves etc. He was in surgery for hours, in a lot of pain when the morphine wore off. His arm was put in plaster to the elbow, had months off work. It was important that his thumb worked because of his an airline pilot....a Captain on med sized passenger jets. When he went back to work, the thumb was working, just no feeling below the re grown nail. He did not have any problems flying/in command again, after being grounded for so long.

I know Robert's injury was worse, but technology has moved on....and he is a determined individual..
Watched RK driving today in the Classic GPs.on 301........Hoping that he makes it back soon.
I've just read the Tweet, surely Renault should give a statement.
Was it feeling in his fingers and thumb Sly?

Nah it was "fingers and thumbs missing" where his words, according to a Finnish friend that I know, she translates lots of articles, and since her first language is Finnish and her second language is English, I don't see her messing the translation up since she's been doing it for quite some time.
The reason I was remaining optimistic about Robert returning to F1, was because of an accident several years ago..<snip> I know Robert's injury was worse, but technology has moved on....

I in now way wish to belittle your husbands accident, but severing the top of your thumb is slightly different from almost severing your whole forearm.
I in now way wish to belittle your husbands accident, but severing the top of your thumb is slightly different from almost severing your whole forearm.

I don't mind Speshal...I just wanted to remain positive...RK may look on the F1 Forums whilst he is recovering.

He didn't sever the top of his thumb, it was sliced from the outside to the inside, down the whole thumb & joint, the nerves/ tendons/joint all needed reconnecting. His arm was in plaster for months to give every chance of there being succesful outcome.He didn't fly for about 9 months.
I was making the point that if it took so long for him to return to his job..... A pilot needs strong hands.
Robert's injuries are nerves/tendons/bones......far more serious, so will take longer to heal/become strong.
The article from Finnish F1 station with google's translation.

Rally accident in February, hands and feet offended the Polish Robert Kubica F1 driver in return affect the Mika Salo has learned that unlikely.

- Our last race Kubica doctors and our trainer was taking care of our stories. They were of the opinion that he was no longer driving terribly. That much is in bad shape, that he was missing fingers - the thumb was missing from another by the hand completely, Salo told MTV3 MAX TV broadcast.

- They were of the opinion that he was not always pretty at the top level can no longer drive. Of course, they are trying hard to rehabilitate and hope, but not terribly good show, Salo said.
Ya. What gibberish!

Pure, utter gibberish!

I don't belive a single word of that 'google translation' of a near-alien language.

I mean, what's there to believe?

Now read the 2 posts above yours and you'll find out that Sakari happens to be Finnish, he also speaks excellent English. His summation is that the original Salo post quotes it as Kubica is missing a thumb.
Just to be clear thats me liking the alien picture not Kubica not coming back to F1. I really hope Robet does make it back
I'm going to get to the bottom of this before I fire up my F1 2010 on PS3 for the evening and hit Spa qually in Robert's yellow Renault. ;)


Ok, so i'm back and my understanding is that Salo (who is a little like his friend Jacques Villeneuve, i.e. a guy who likes to shoot his mouth off without thinking too much) speaks Finnish "street language"...

...on top of that, he was supposedly speaking very fast in a tv interview (and not in written text) and said this:

"Meidän edellisessä kisassa oli tota, nää Kubican treenarit ja lääkärit oli meidän, hoitamassa meidän juttuja, ja tota kyl ne oli sitä mieltä, että ei kauheesti ajele enää. On sen verran huonos kunnos, silt puuttu sormia ja peukalo puuttuu toisest kädest kokonaan ja kaikennäköst pientä että... Ne oli kyl sitä mieltä, että ei kyllä ainakaan ihan huipputasolla pysty ajaa enää. Kovasti ne yrittää tietenki kuntouttaa ja toivoo muuta, mutta ei hirveen hyvält näytä."

To me, the translations is:



But to others, he was basically discussing what happend the day of the accident and about Kubica loosing the ability to use his thumb...And, according to 'wolfie' on Autosport Forums, the word puuttuu isn't the same as the word puuttu.

Get it?

Robert, in my opinion, should send Mika a photo of his hand with the middle finger up, frankly! ;)

As per CTA, I think we shouldn't discuss this any further until we get a real story from a proper and credible source otherwise we risk coming across as a little foolish.
Ray I agree with you about waiting and seeing but how you can question the translation when its been done by someone who actually speaks the language I have no idea

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