F1ang-o Race Winner Contributor 12 April 2013 #21 Leonardo DiCaprio expertly mimics Jack Nicholson...
Speshal World Champion Valued Member 13 April 2013 #22 MCLS said: And then I told Sergio "You have a good car next season" Click to expand *cough* http://cliptheapex.com/threads/random-funny-stuff-from-teh-interwebz.1042/page-63#post-191089
MCLS said: And then I told Sergio "You have a good car next season" Click to expand *cough* http://cliptheapex.com/threads/random-funny-stuff-from-teh-interwebz.1042/page-63#post-191089
L landogeorgelewis1 Champion Elect 18 April 2013 #23 Nico: did you put that woopy cushion on Ross's seat Lewis? Lewis: Sure did que the fits of laughter.