Just a silly thought?

If they can scrape the money together to pay Bernie's fees and find a suitable manufacturing environment then it could be a possibility. Not sure I would want Schumie back driving again but as a magnet for sponsors he'd work well. Of course, they have to find an engine supplier and I can't imagine Mercedes or Ferrari wanting to help either of them too much.
Or Renault who have stated that five teams is the most they want to supply and Toro Rosso are moving to them next year.

Brawn may even be tempted to do what he did with Toyota/Brawn when Force India fold ;)
Peter Sauber is slowing handing over the reins of his team and Totto Wolf has gone to Mercedes, although I presume he is still a share holder in Williams, so there are two other teams who could be up for a management buy in.
I can't see them forming a new team this late in the process. They'd have to attract the right people, get funding (although with two big names that shouldn't be too much of a problem), find a proper place to build their car, get an engine and then design and build the car. Surely that has to take more than a year?

FB I think Peter Sauber wants to hand over the team to Kaltenborn and his son so I don't expect them to be up for a management buy in.
Sauber seems to be grooming Monisha Kaltenborn for the takeover seeing as she's team principal now. Wolff has kept his 16% shares in Williams, it did look like Adam Parr would take over but Bernie put a stop to that.

I doubt Brawn would buy into another team. He's done it already with Brawn GP and if he wanted his own team then why sell the one he already had to Merc, other than for the money.
I heard Schumie was off to Japan to talk to Honda about some engines with the promise of Kamui being given a seat and that Vettel is already emailing photos of Newys new designs over to Brawn in preperation for him moving over to the new Schumie Brawn F1 team.

Ross is drawing the designs in his garage and agent Sutil is on a mission to smash up as many Force India cars as possible to create more debt and bring the price down.
Interesting thoughts.

I did not think of Schu as a driver, more money magnet, as FB suggested. It crossed my mind that the fact he was not winning might have made him think of a management role, with the odd chance to show tyros how it should be done!

Together they have provided much (Add your own word here), maybe excitement, in the sport. :whistle:

With 2 or is it 3 teams pulling out, there must be a hole that needs filling, and Bernie is good at behind the scenes maneuvers,

no-FIAt.. Perhaps by Brawn selling his team it has given him the cash to start another?

What drivers will be car-less at the end of this year and who will bring in money?

OK, I'm going back to dreamland. Hehe.
I heard Schumie was off to Japan to talk to Honda about some engines with the promise of Kamui being given a seat and that Vettel is already emailing photos of Newys new designs over to Brawn in preperation for him moving over to the new Schumie Brawn F1 team.

Ross is drawing the designs in his garage and agent Sutil is on a mission to smash up as many Force India cars as possible to create more debt and bring the price down.

He he. Very good, I nearly believed you, it was only when you mentioned Ross drawing up designs I knew you were kidding, ROFL
Well they could, but see where the other new teams still are. I don't see them building a team up from scratch and bring it to the top. Certainly not when they weren't really able to do that at Mercedes.

Not sure I would want Schumie driving at the back again
Fixed that for you :)
Well they could, but see where the other new teams still are. I don't see them building a team up from scratch and bring it to the top. Certainly not when they weren't really able to do that at Mercedes.

Your right, I am a deluded old fool Just remember the times when Ross has saved a driver by quick,out of the box, strategic thinking and that includes Schumie. Not sure he was allowed that at Mercedes.

Also Schumie got around a lot the last two years, (Would not have been surprised to hear that he had been talking to engine suppliers. How about China?) so some deals could already be afoot, Need the insight of the little Irish wizard to know all that is going on behind the scenes these days.

I must admit, I have to say I liked Schumie, for good or bad, he always seemed to be able to smile, so too with Ross. :whistle:
It would be better as a sportscar outfit IMO. Put Michael and Brawn together in a privately owned P1 car in WEC and you'd turn some heads.
Now that is an idea.
Le Mans anyone? Schumi for a long night stint?
Not sure they have the knowledge for such an event though. Shame though, nearly booked my car ferry.
Ross Brawn and Schumacher as a new team in 2014 - Nope - Michael has had enough and will be 45 years old then and they have to start from the bottom plus need a serious amount of money
Didn't Schumacher drive for Sauber's prototype team in the early 90s? I'm not sure if Brawn has any sportscar experience, but I'm sure he's connected well enough to put together an impressive team. It could be a higher version of Ram Racing Ferrari.
yes BRawn was responsible for some of Jaguar's sports car success

He started out as a designer for Williams...

He designed some of the earlier 1990 Benettons
Thanks tony and il leone et al for those comments. Must admit never knew that, makes Ross a rather rounded man very suitable for team principle.

I appreciate that this silly thought might be getting out of hand especially when I mention Honda as an engine supplier?

Honda Civic diesel electric to compete in 2014 Le Mans? Hehe.

Honda and Brawn, any thoughts?

How about a couple of drivers? Any ideas?

I have to agree that Sch is getting on, but I also do not see him liking to be out of the sport, so a role as driver adviser might fit?

Look forward to more silly thoughts about this.
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