Caption Competition  III

Please vote for your favorite caption.

  • teabagyokel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Brogan 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • slickskid 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Porceliamone

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • cider_and_toast

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"...Heikki crashed so heavily that the surgeons failed to remove the steering wheel from his chest cavity..."
"Ron asked me if I had ever heard of the story of the Emperor's new clothes and then told me this would be my best car ever"

:chuffed: C_A_T
Some good captions posted so far. :thumbsup:

As there is a three week gap between the last GP & the next, Valencia on 24th August, I think that the competition should be open for longer than a week before votes are to be cast.

So, the competition is open for new captions up to and including Saturday 16th August. Voting will commence from 17th August until Saturday 23rd August, with the winner announced on race day, Sunday 24th August. If anyone wants to post more than one caption (if you've already posted one) then feel free!

Keep those captions coming! :)
Heiki: "Ron says I'm no puppet and there are no strings attached to my shoulders. If that's the case, how come I can't let go of the steering wheel!"
[centre:3aew6jz1]Please vote for your favourite caption!

I've listed the caption posters above, in order of appearance. Those that have posted two captions have been credited appropriately; e.g. Brogan's first caption, on Aug 04, is "Brogan 1". Brogan's second caption, on Aug 07, is "Brogan 2".

The result will be announced on raceday, Sunday 23rd Aug.[/centre:3aew6jz1]
And we have a result!

The winner of the third installment of the caption competition is..... Brogan, for his entry on Thu Aug 07 2008.

Congratulations Bro, your prize is the honour of posting the photo for The Caption Competion IV. (Should you so wish to take on the mission...)

Good luck! :popcorn:

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