FIA Extreme E

I find it strange that there should be a series dedicated to environmental issues and then ignores them totally. There is more to global warming than electric cars which have batteries have rare earths with the electricity generated bird killing windmills.

Watch real programmes and you will discover that is more to electricity and growing trees to the overall environment.
next race is this weekend from senegal & dakar. on the famous lac rose. anyone going to give a 2nd chance. after all it cant possibly be any worse

although interesting Sky sports who broadcasted the whole thing last time have binned me it off & now just highlights on Monday
McLaren have announced today that they've found a few pounds in one of Ron Dennis's old team shirts and therefore will be spending it on joining the Extreme E series as of 2022.

Hearing that announcement may make me rethink not watching it....

Nope, no it hasn't.
When Extreme E was announced, I thought it was going to be like rallying (maybe like the Dakar rally) - several stages per day, over 3-4 days.

Instead, it's basically 2 laps of circuit racing on dull circuits, with very few competitors...

Just shut it down (and come up with something interesting)... The current hypocrisy of the series is also telling... Tonnes and tonnes of equipment, shipped (or air-freighted) around the world to highlight ecological issues for a 10 minute "race"! There's something wrong with the entire concept!
And in other news, Extreme E reached its 2021 finale yesterday. Apparently Nico Rosberg's team won the championship, with Lewis Hamilton's team winning the final race, but ending up runners up in the championship.

Dreadful series reaching a predictably boring conclusion.

The only positive thing I could say about yesterday's racing was that some of the drivers showed some real mettle by keeping their foot flat on the floor over one of the jumps; they absolutely flew!
The Artist..... what was the racing like then & did the spectacle improve. because i saw the 1st one which was dreadful. we were all expecting world rallycross action on dakar rally stage. & what we made the Spanish GPs look thrilling

but i haven't seen anything & didnt even know that the season finished
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The last race was in a muddy field in Dorest. The process of getting to a final race was still as impenetrable as the first race, despite the co-commentators explaining at least 3 times. There was little opportunity for cars to overtake and most of the "circuit" appeared to be taken at full throttle, so it was bit like an early Sega F1 game. I watched a half of one semi-final and then put the snooker on, which about sums it up really.

And I still have no idea how super rich people traversing the globe to arse about in fast cars is going to help save the planet. I am not and idiot so don't sell me a house brick and tell me it's an ice cream.
FB - combined with the fact that the races last a grand total of about 9 minutes, and they have to factor a driver change in there (Why?)

Formula E manages to race for 45 minutes, and they manage to have more than 5 cars on the circuit at a time.
  • Terrible concept
  • Poorly executed
  • Needs to be put out of its misery
Staggering that this was the best the FIA could come up with to promote sustainable motoring.

It should be called Ars-E.
Ars-E will return next year! Its going to more politically dodgy countries in environmentally dodgy venues! Its mission is to unite everyone on one single world issue - that being that this series is the best example of the rich elite compeletly missing the point on the environment issue!

cider_and_toast FB i'll sort is out tickets for the one in Saudi Arabia yeah?
RasputinLives this is hilarious, nothing like an environmental friendly series that is open to the highest bidder

But understands this oversubscription was a deliberate move to encourage host venues to compete against one another to wheedle out the highest bidder.
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