Unfortunately this was only a matter of time. Over this side of the pond there is a penchant for you-done-me-wrong grandstanding on track and unfortunately it cost this driver his life. While I sympathize with the driver's family I struggle to think of the driver as anything other than a fool. Motorsport is inherently dangerous, running out on the circuit is hardly the cleverest of options, no matter how much it riles up the spectators.
Unfortunately this was only a matter of time. Over this side of the pond there is a penchant for you-done-me-wrong grandstanding on track and unfortunately it cost this driver his life. While I sympathize with the driver's family I struggle to think of the driver as anything other than a fool. Motorsport is inherently dangerous, running out on the circuit is hardly the cleverest of options, no matter how much it riles up the spectators.
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