FIA Ari Vatanen to run for FIA Presidency

What Max doesn't seem to understand is that any election not only has to be free and fair but it has to be seen to be free and fair. As the President of the organisation he should not have expressed a prefrence for either candidate, simply made sure that the FIA organised the election in an impartial manner. But Max is never able to keep his gob shut is he?

If Todt gets elected and then Max get's some highly paid position with FOM, CVC or the FIA I think there will be all sorts of problems and legal action. The best thing Todt could do, assuming he wins, would be to give Vatanen a senior role within the FIA. What chance of that though?
FB said:
The best thing Todt could do, assuming he wins, would be to give Vatanen a senior role within the FIA. What chance of that though?
He can't though.
Each candidate has to name their cabinet when they announce they are standing and the same people can't be in any other candidate's cabinet.
So if Todt wins, his cabinet will have already been pre-selected.

All it will mean is the FIA will continue to be seen as a corrupt and biased organisation.
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