Apple vs Samsung trial nearing an end

Trying to get a jury in California to sit on that trial is going to be interesting.

If you own any Apple or Android products, this will make you ineligible.
Damn! There's no-one left apart from 98 yr old Mrs Miggins...
I can't even look at my iphone now without poking it with a stick....
Here you go google, a free tip.

Stop google being accessible from an Apple device, that should fix this all pretty fast.
Apple have already removed Google Maps from iOS, in favour of their own mapping software.

But yes, between them, Samsung and Google could effectively cripple Apple; Samsung with the hardware and Google on the web.
I don't want this to descend into an Apple vs everyone else but.....every macbook is made in the same factory by the same people, with the same processors and the same ram and the same optical drives, yet magically they are £500 more expensive. Lots of friends of mine have Macs, oddly enough they run windows on a partition.
"Others may hate you but they don't win unless you hate them, then you destroy yourself"

Richard M Nixon, August 1974
If you see it as America bashing then that is your issue, not mine.

If America-bashing was not your intent, why bring up a criminal proceeding (O.J. Simpson) which has no relevance to the Apple case in question, which is a civil matter. It seems to me your snide comment about Americans "protecting their own" made
clear your intent.
siffert_fan I think what Brogan meant was that with the American system as it stands it seems to us that if you have enough money you can quite literally get away with murder be it in a criminal form or a civil form, from an outsiders point of view it just doesn't look cosha.

I don't see that as American bashing it is just how the American system looks to people who don't live there...

Presented like that, I can appreciate the reference.

However, at first blush, it read like it would if I brought up the Lockerbie case where the murderer spent a whole 10 days in prison for each person he slaughtered and intimated that as being typical of the UK justice system. Sorry if I misread the intent.
I've made my points siffert_fan.
I am entitled to my opinions and I am perfectly free to criticise any aspect of any country.

If, in your eyes that makes me a basher, then as I said previously, that says more about you than me.

It seems these days you can't criticise anything at all to do with America without being labelled some sort of hater or enemy of the state...
Meanwhile, back on topic, Samsung are of course appealing, which on the face of it seems a strange decision considering how unequivocal the decision was. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how that turns out.

Apple are of course going to ask for import bans of the offending Samsung products.
That's going to please a lot of US consumers.

I also read something along the lines of the fine could be increased as a multiplier can be applied due to Samsung's behaviour being "wilful". I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else since so I presume that's not the case.
If Apple don't start playing the game and stop being so protective of trivial little things such as rounded icon, pinch zoom and rubber band scrolling they will be in danger of alienating the consumers that live outside of the USA and become a company with no exports who can only sell to their home market.

Their strategy doesn't seem to be a very sound one to me......
Their share price and market cap would beg to differ...

Since Jobs died, the share price has increased something like 75% and it is now the most valuable company in history.
Maybe so but I'm thinking in the long term, market reaction is often governed by knee jerk reactions to little victories like these but in the long term I am sure they will suffer just as I believe these are the reasons traders are buying into the hype, they will watch the shares grow and at just the right time they will sell, sell, sell, If I had any disposable income of any substantial size I too would be buying Apple shares, and flogging them just as the courts were convening for the upcoming disputes, with google HTC and Motorola.

And dependent on that outcome I would maybe start trading with them again or not....
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