Grand Prix 2012 Malaysian Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

Someone other than Vettel is leading the Championship!

It may be strange to see, but for the first time since Abu Dhabi 2010 someone other than Sebastian Vettel is top of the Championship after Jenson Button won the Australian Grand Prix in commanding fashion with Vettel second and a folorn Hamilton falling foul of a safety car which allowed the German through.

Going into Malaysia it seems apparent that Mclaren have the strongest car as they were far and away the strongest team in Australia and it was only after having to fuel save for 90% of the race that let Red Bull get within distance, when Button and Hamilton were at full throttle for the first 8 laps, they pulled away at over a second a lap which provided a comfortable cushion even though it was wiped out by a safety car due to Vitaly Petrov breaking down on the main straight.

But the Australian Grand Prix raised more questions than it did provide answers, the only thing that we learned was that the not quite so new teams are still as bad as they were last season and Mclaren and Red Bull are the two fastest teams. Ferrari had a shocking qualifying but Fernando Alonso managed to drag it kicking and screaming into 5th place which suggests a better race pace compared to qualifying pace while beleaguered Felipe Massa trundled around in midfield like he was on a Sunday drive in the Australian parks.

lotus are the only team where a question mark still remains about the general competitiveness. Roman Grosjean qualified a remarkable third but was taken out early on by Maldando while returning champion Kimi Raikkonnen failed to get out of first qualifying but managed to fight through the field to finish a very strong seventh which suggests that they do have a strong car but need to ally qualifying with race pace if they are to take the fight to the top teams.

In 2011 Malaysia was a race full of pit stops due to the high degradation of the Pirelli tyres, and while the tyres this year are more conservative and stable, high degradation is still to be expecting and several pit stops are going to be the norm with an unpredictable weekend to come. The only thing to expect is the likelihood of a massive shower at some point during the weekend which would no doubt spice things up.

For Galahad's excellent circuit write up, see here
I love back to back races especially at the start of a season.
I can't wait for this GP coming this weekend i think it's gonna be a good un. Anyone got any ideas on what the weather forecast is supposed to be like on Sunday? Might give me and idea of who i think might win the race.
However i did hear Horner saying he expects the Sepang circuit to suit the Red Bull alot more. Has he just given us a hint at what RB expect on Sunday.
I love back to back races especially at the start of a season.
I can't wait for this GP coming this weekend i think it's gonna be a good un. Anyone got any ideas on what the weather forecast is supposed to be like on Sunday? Might give me and idea of who i think might win the race.
However i did hear Horner saying he expects the Sepang circuit to suit the Red Bull alot more. Has he just given us a hint at what RB expect on Sunday.
Generally, a higher likelihood of rain as you progress through the weekend, from very little chance on Friday.
Interesting point, but better than that would be keeping Monaco the same, for its history, and bringing in a Vegas street circuit race in the night. Would be amazing, though it would never happen for the ridiculous time it'd have to be on at. They'd probably need to have the race on saturday night at like midnight, so it was 7am here sunday morning. If anywhere though, Vegas could do.
Midnight might work in Vegas after all it is the city that never sleeps!
I like this track, great set of corners. High speed corners then low speed should have plenty of overtaking, that last sector is very tricky especially the turn before the last hairpin.

Plus I like that grandstand on the main straight. :)
There are rumors that the rain is pouring down at the circuit and the race would be cancelled if it was on Sunday.

If they can't run the race at all can they move it to Monday or just run 2-3 laps under Pace Car to get half points?
Here's a pretty picture
This was the Malaysian GP paddock I think on Thursday
I don't know if any of you guys have seen the pictures of McLaren's front wing deflecting, but just seen another comparison with Ferrari and Red Bull where it is obvious:-

By deflecting, it is not doing what Red Bull's flexi-wing has always done, which was to lower the endplates closer to the track but the distance across the horizontal length of endplate compared vertically with the ground below it was the same. What McLaren seem to be doing is pivoting their front wing backwards, so if you look at the back of their endplate you'll see it is being tipped closer to the ground.

Here is another good picture from testing. Check the wing tilting back towards the front tyre:-

This may explain why the FIA were looking at their front wing for several hours after qualifying at Melbourne lol. Bet Newey is gutted - he's been out-smarted for once. Without a doubt Red Bull's wing is not flexing near as much as it did last year and in 2010, and that has hurt them a lot.
I don't know if any of you guys have seen the pictures of McLaren's front wing deflecting, but just seen another comparison with Ferrari and Red Bull where it is obvious:-

By deflecting, it is not doing what Red Bull's flexi-wing has always done, which was to lower the endplates closer to the track but the distance across the horizontal length of endplate compared vertically with the ground below it was the same. What McLaren seem to be doing is pivoting their front wing backwards, so if you look at the back of their endplate you'll see it is being tipped closer to the ground.

Here is another good picture from testing. Check the wing tilting back towards the front tyre:-

This may explain why the FIA were looking at their front wing for several hours after qualifying at Melbourne lol. Bet Newey is gutted - he's been out-smarted for once. Without a doubt Red Bull's wing is not flexing near as much as it did last year and in 2010, and that has hurt them a lot.

You can't really tell anything conclusive from still photographs. I would suggest it's just the front wing setup. It won't be flexing beyond the tolerances set by the FIA so I don't think there's anything in it. There's been no mention of it on the Autosport or the Official F1 site. The FIA would have been thorough with their examination simply because McLaren was the race winner.
How freakish is that?

Monsoon type conditions in a country in the monsoon zone during the monsoon period.

Whose bright idea was it to hold a GP there at this time of year? :rolleyes:

The only race that needs a floodlight system for during the day...
You can't really tell anything conclusive from still photographs. I would suggest it's just the front wing setup. It won't be flexing beyond the tolerances set by the FIA so I don't think there's anything in it. There's been no mention of it on the Autosport or the Official F1 site. The FIA would have been through with their examination simply because McLaren was the race winner.

I think it happened after Quali, and would like to think that the FIA have other reasons for checking cars, other than it being fastest. There is a fine line in F1 between innovation and cheating, but the whole "Red Bull gives you flexi-wings" saga made it clear that having a flexible wing shown on camera isn't against the rules, as long as it can support the loads in the FIA stress tests. Thank god someone has possibly outsmarted Red Bull. There is definitely a feel that Red Bull are being beaten at their own game here.
P.S. 1,000 posts :birthday:
Here is another good picture from testing. Check the wing tilting back towards the front tyre:-

This may explain why the FIA were looking at their front wing for several hours after qualifying at Melbourne lol. Bet Newey is gutted - he's been out-smarted for once. Without a doubt Red Bull's wing is not flexing near as much as it did last year and in 2010, and that has hurt them a lot.
Would the wing in essence flex like this anyway with the load placed on it, it is more than likely move down with the pressure from the speed of air and twist anticlockwise based on the speed of the air vs the strength of the fixing struts that attach the nose to the wings. Think this may be the angle of the picture and we need more sequential shots,

But love the Intrigue.......
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