It is the TYHA's position that Cider_and_Toast is contracted to this thread and the commercial site owner until 2010. For this reason, Cider_and_Toast has been entered into the 2010 Forum Entry List along with the Lucozade team.
When TYHA had come up with a compromise situation, FOJA demanded a new Boeing 767 agreement to govern the jokes. We promised to sign it, and they talk about "knock knock" standardisation.
We wrote rules earlier in the season designed to bring about "knock knock" standardisation, only for three FOJA teams to create a double-deck joke which diffused in a "Why did the chicken cross the road?" gag. We wish now to write new regulations outlawing "Why did the chicken cross the road?" gags, which Cider_and_Toast fought against in the courts, and he now is happy with these jokes since he added one to his routine.
The self-interest of FOJA is clear, and it is TYHA's position that FOJA would be unable to run a joke thread, stand-up routine or sketch show without falling out.
Teabag Yokel,
President of TYHA (formerly known as Federation International Comedic)[/font]
FOJA finds it sad that the head of the THYA continues to discuss the confidential details of our meetings in a public forum. It is clear that the breach between the two parties may now be too wide for an amicable solution.
TYHA will recall that for many years Cider_and_Toast was awarded extra Jokes by TYHA on account of his importance to the world of Comedy. In return cider_and_toast was very supportive in Teabag Yokels succesful bid to be re-elected as head of the TYHA. For several years cider_and_toast has enjoyed the right to veto any proposed changes by TYHA to joke formats including timing and punchline and both parties have worked together in an amicable fashion. Two cases that spring immediatly to mind are when the THYA outlawed Pepi Le Frog's "Damper" routine on the grounds that it wasn't moving enough and when it had been discovered that Ronald Mcdonald had stollen half of Cider_and_toasts routine for the forth coming comedy season.
FOJA would also like to point out that they have been going on stage for the last few years without the need for a Boeing 767 agreement without the routine stalling or FOJA members being removed from the stage due to poor clap-o-meter results. In signing up to a new Boeing 767 agreement FOJA feels that it will give a free hand to Teabag Yokel to set any form of Joke he likes and this FOJA finds un-acceptable.
In allowing new members to the TYHA series access to un-restricted custard pies when FOJA members who are gag capped only have access to a bucket of glitter is not acceptable.
FOJA stands by it's proposals which are:
Independant monitoring of Gags (perhaps some sort of phone vote or 3 judge panel equiped with 3 big "X"s above the members)
Standard "Knock Knock" gags for all members who sign up to the series.
A reduction in the length of routines by 10 minutes
No Gag cap.
A phased reduction in comedy back to 1990 levels by 2011
A greater share of revenue from Comedy club perfomances.
FOJA await the response from the TYHA
Cider And Toast
Lotsa Gags
On behalf of the Federation of Joking Associates.