The 2013 Season

Brogan - If Mercedes win the WDC this year, it will not be seen for all the flying pigs. LOL

If Vettel wins the WDC with tyres that suddenly start to suit Red Bull halfway through the season, I can see the year 2003 floating towards the conversation extremely quickly.
teabagyokel......Too true regarding their mishaps. I agree Ferrari will probably adapt better than Lotus which should help considering how strong Kimi has been so far. The biggest plus for Ferrari though, despite their two poor results, is Vettels inability to beat a trouble free Alonso in the other three GP's so far. I do believe Ferrari is the strongest package at present and their car responds well to changes. I said last year that their car would be at its best during its second year of development. That shouldn't be a surprise. Whenever a top team introduces a new car it shines in its second year. These next GP's will be fascinating though Monaco won't provide any answers regarding form, it never does. I love it though. One of the few global events that you can actually feel the atmosphere just watching on TV. :)
Kewee - Ferrari must win at Monaco soon, surely? 2001 is a long time ago.

If Mercedes' form is similar to Spain, it'll be the most interesting race in Monaco for a long time. My money is on Alonso, he is in ludicrous form at the minute.
I just hope that different tyres will help McLaren's woes but I also hope they don't give the advantage to Red Bull and Vettel, another Red Bull WCC and a Vettel WDC along with a smug Horner, will finish my enjoyment of the sport for me.

Having said that next year with the new engines may bring some excitement to the sport, I use the word "Sport." grudgingly at the moment considering how things are...
I'm a bit surprised at all this hoopla regarding the Spanish GP if I'm honest. It seems every year we come away from Spain/Monaco saying the racing isn't racing and something needs to be done. Then we have a great race in Canada and everyone forgets about it.

As for the issue with the tyres it will lessen and lessen as the season goes on. Just like last year new tyres are introduced with limited testing so at the begining of the season no one knows how to use them and everything is mixed up. By mid-season or just after the summer break the teams have figured it out and adjusted their cars accordingly and normal service is resumed (with everyone moaning that the fastest man gets pole and walks away with it). It happened last year, to some extent it happened the year before and I'm pretty sure it'll happen this year.

If its that simple then why don't they give them more testing time with the tyres? Because the ringmasters want the mixed up races at the start of the season so by the time Vettel dominated fly aways come round there is still a title battle.

I predict we'll see less and less and hear less and less about the tyre wear as the season goes on.....apart from on the Merc which chomps through them like popcorn.
Looks that way but it won't kick in until the end of season run in. Vettel loves those end of year fly aways.
Vettel got very lucky last year. By the time they reached the end of year fly aways Alonso had been taken out by Grosjean and also failed to finish a second time after his collision with Kimi. It handed Vettel the title. One other stroke of luck. How rare is it for a driver to spin in the middle of the pack remain untouched by all the back makers, rejoin at the back of the field without any damage enabling him to finish with enough points to take the title. That had nothing to do with skill, that was pure luck that he didn't sustain damage that could have forced his retirement. That's not sour grapes from an Alonso fan, simply facts.
I think what makes this year different from 2012 is Massa's form. Alonso has a much stronger wing-man this year and that can only benefit Ferrari. We will see how things are after Canada but I would expect Ferrari to be on top until the fly away races. At that point they need to resist Red Bull assault. It's clear to me that the Austrians are stronger there.
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