Site Suggestions & Updates

I was pinned for a two count but just as the ref was about to count three I broke out of it even though I was seemingly unconcious after being hit with a chair outside the ring.
I think we definitely need an alert system for the Media section, I'm posting stuff on there and no bugger is ever looking at it, I'll probably stop posting in that section if something doesn't change.....:disappointed:
I'd completely forgotten about the Media section! :ermmm:

Mental note to me, to look at Media section once in a while... :twisted:

Oops. That just looks like a mental note!!

Sorry, that should read, a "sensible" note to me to look at the Media section... :yes:
Have there been any updates in the last few days? All the sub menus changed and it doesn't work so well on my phone any more. Is that a problem with my phone or an update here?
The last site update was around 10 days ago but it was very minor and mainly bug fixes.

It still looks fine on PC and tablet to me.
Which browser do you use on your phone? Has it updated recently?
Try clearing the browser cache.
You have probably noticed the new "featured thread" block above the node list on the forum index, which randomly loads a thread from a set list.

When I did away with the old home page (which wasn't used by most members), I had in mind an idea to make a hybrid home/forum index page with elements of both.
The difference is it's all on one page and is the single landing page for the site.

I would appreciate any feedback on how useful, or useless, this new block is.
It has already helped me find one thread I had missed so I think it works for me. :thumbsup:
A simple suggestion for the Race Hub > Results page: in the positions and points tables, any chance of adding a column at the far right with championship position/total points? Should be simple to implement, and, i think, add a lot to the data presentation as one would be able to sort the rows by championship position.

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